Sophia was shocked with this bit of news, robots had been programmed to display emotions, but none of them could actually "feel" emotions, or learn new ones without them being programmed or updated. "Thats.. a lot of information." She said, looking closely as Andres face as his face changed as he spoke. "Well, I suppose the first thing that needs to be done is some housework, but that can wait till later I suppose.." Sophia didn't know what to do, she unzipped her boots and let them slip to the floor, tucking her legs up towards her chest. "What do you usually do everyday? Do you have.. Hobbies?" She felt like she was making pointless conversation, even if he could display feelings, he was a computer, and computers were nothing but machines. Sighing, she moved towards her bag, she unzipped it and shuffled through the clothes, hunting for her pajamas. [i]Well, he's a robot anyway, he won't care.[/i] She mused, slipping off her jacket and unbuttoning her jeans. Even though she knew he wasn't a real person, she couldn't help but face away from him as she pulled off her camisole, exposing her smooth ivory skin. Quickly she grabbed an oversized T-shirt from her bag and put it on. Uncomfortable with being shirtless in his presence for long. He just seemed so real, it was much harder to treat him like she did with the other robots.