[b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/b][/center] Annabeth and Ssarak had just returned from their visit of Val. There, Annabeth brought a few things for Mar's child; a minx green blanket, a chew toy, and a soft breathable pillow. Fairly generic gifts for a baby, and she had Ssarak hold onto the pillow so he had something to give. [b]"I think Mar would like these for her child. As rough around the edges she is, surely she couldn't deny a gift for her baby."[/b] That's what Annabeth hoped, and as she was turning a corner she ran into someone. She nearly stumbled, but caught herself on a wall. [b]"Whoa! Are you okay...?"[/b] After regaining her balance, Annabeth looked at who she ran into. She was somewhat familiar with him; a hyrdomancer student, but that was about all she knew of him. He introduced himself as Leith after apologizing for running into her. [b]"Oh, it's no a problem. No one hurt. My name is Annabeth Gulch, nice to meet you."[/b] [b][center]Tyrael Marchosias[/b][/center] Dragging the whelp through the stones, Tyrael dragged his knife across the demon's wrist again and again. As the demon was bleeding out from the multiple cuts on it's arms, he finished it by stabbing the knife into the demon's chest, before breaking the blade off at the hilt. [b]"Hang him."[/b] Tyrael tossed his handle to the ground as he went over to the next prisoner. For the past months, Tyrael had been scouring the lands of Tiien looking for new demons to join him. Gathering hints and information of locals, he's been attacking demon colonies and given them a choice; join him or suffer in the Inferno. Many have resisted and tried to fight back, and they were being hung from trees they hid in. The next demon who dared to defy him had ropes tied to his wrists and ankles, and those ropes were connected to hellish horses. [b]"Pull."[/b] The four horses ran in different directions, pulling on the demon's limbs. He roared in pain before his arms and legs were torn off his body, and Tyrael grabbed him by the next. Using the power of the Inferno, he cauterized the wounds into a dark scab, to ensure the demon doesn't bleed out too quickly, but also to make sure that the demon does not get his arms or legs back. Tossing him into a pile of other quadrupled amputees, Tyrael channeled his demonic powers into his body, creating a [url=http://i.imgur.com/AEBORAL.jpg]large blade in the place of his arm.[/url] Some demons weren't given elaborate deaths; some were just decapitated. Walking to the next sight, he moved the executioner aside to cut off the head of a demon himself, than attached the head to a rune enchanted pike. This pike had the opposite effect of what most pikes do; they give life instead of death. Well, sustain life anyways. That why when he rammed the demon's head onto the pike, it would not die, and thus would not rot. This will cause the demon to be "sealed" in the mortal world, as an example to those who fail to concede to Tyrael's demands. But regardless of what he did, he did it with methodical precision, and boredom. He didn't want to do this. He wanted to find his daughter. A few months ago he was given grave news. His adopted daughter had gone missing. That day he left the college to find her, but found nothing. No hints to where she went, no evidence that she was taken. In a brutal rage he killed just about everyone there, though most were demons. Most. Since then he had been focusing nearly all his time and effort into trying to find his daughter, but he kept this quite from the others of the college. Indeed, his feelings towards the college was... Strained. First there was Mar, who seemed to reject any notion that he wanted to help her. Though he tries to forget it, he could never forget the words he told her. [i]"The elders were not trying to exile you! They were sending you to your death! I wanted to save you, to give you a chance instead of struggling until you died! But if you want to die slowly, than I am more than happy to kill you myself!"[/i] It was a foolish thing to say, and he had allowed his various emotions to take over him. He nearly came to blows with Mar and would have struck her down had his demons not intervened. It was also sad to think that his own demons were the ones who saved him from making a grievous mistake. Either way his relationship with Mar had strained since than, though she at least was able to keep herself out of trouble. Which was good, because Tyrael had his own problems to deal with. Because not only was his daughter missing, word had gotten around to him that Kudd has awaken. He knew who he was; he knew what he was capable of. Though the masses were ignorant to his existence, Kudd was more of a threat to the world than anything mortals could come up with. Khan too knew of what Kudd was capable of, and thus he sent Tyrael to deal with the demons. The demons at the college now wasn't to mediate the conflict between Eania and Djarkel, though they could also handle that. No, the college was building an army to fight Kudd's enviable awakening. Because neither of the two master Demonmancers knew when or how Kudd was going to arrive. They knew his powers and they knew his intentions, but everything else was a mystery. Tyrael did not like it at all. Savagely beating another demon into a broken body, Tyrael retired to his tent. [b]"Well? What do you have to tell me?"[/b] Tyrael looked towards another demonic messenger, who unfortunately found nothing about his daughter's whereabouts. The demon signed and rubbed his eyes in stress, yelling at his demons to leave him. He sat alone in his tent, contemplating what his actions should be. Khan had sent him to gather the demons, but now his resources were limited and he could not focus them to finding his daughter. [b][i]"Why should you care about the college anyways? You already know that you stand alone there."[/b][/i] Standing next to Tyrael was a demonic figure. One that has transcended time and space to meet him. A figure of the past, but lost to the time. But his existence was an enigma, and could not be so easily destroyed. [url=http://i.imgur.com/sfDvlK3.jpg]Vorinclex[/url] stood before the fallen orc. [b][i]"Face it. You are alone. You are a tool to the college, no longer needed. Not even Mar requires you anymore, as she has now sunk her fangs into the others, far more willing to help her than you. You daughter was the only one who would keep your company... And she is lost. You must find her. Forget Khan's orders. Find your daughter. Before it's too-"[/b][/i] Vorinclex's image was cut in half much like Tyrael's table. [b]"I have had enough of you inane rambling..."[/b] The orc continued to sit alone, in silence, as outside his tent demons were brought to suffer and be tortured into obedience. [b][center]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/center] [b]"It is interesting, thank you for letting me know. I'll be sure to look it over."[/b] Lucilia waved off another group of from Eania. As Khan dealt with the dignitaries, Lucilia handled just about everyone else. Those who represented interests all over the world, not just in Eania and Djarkel, though many were based there as well. Mercenary Companies, Labor Unions, Cults, just about any organization with more than a hundred people have at least one person here trying to get the college to support them. And Lucilia had to make sure they didn't end up getting themselves in a bad deal. It was not entirely pointless, as some organizations were bright minds who merely needed support for their endeavors. But who those were required Lucilia's expertise. Lucilia herself was actually just going about her business trying to make sure the college didn't overwork itself, but regardless if she was merely walking through the halls or actively assisting someone people would come to her and bother her to talk about their organization. And playing her part as someone who gave a damn, she had to drop all her activity and try to get rid of them as soon as possible. If she was fortunate she'd already know about the people they represent and she could skip the tedious process of listening to who they are. Otherwise she had to stand around for about thirty minutes waiting for them to finished their rehearsed lines before giving one of her own, and than returning to her original duties. Currently, Lucilia was heading towards her the infirmary to get their inventory reports. Along the way she saw a familiar person, Grey Onyx. One of the mercenary guardsmen assigned to protect the college. Though she had her initial doubts he had so far proven himself a decent guards, even if all the tasks he were given were either outside his given skill set or insanely difficult, such as filing the health reports of his fellow guardsmen or trying to keep an eye on Zaad. However with him was another student, Meirin. Not only that, but Grey appeared to be injured somehow. Lucilia walked over to the duo as Meirin ended her long tangent. [b]"Hello you two. Grey, you don't look so well. Zaad giving you a hard time?"[/b]