Okay so there seems to be a new fad going around on my Facebook feed, mainly my sisters have started to make these complaint lists where they complain about every little thing. O.o So here is my response to them. (Follow through with your complaint list) My complaints: Back pain, knee pain, Cats poop too much, birds are too messy, I can't find Carmon Sandiego or Waldo, I forgot who loves orange soda (Lie), Uncle Phil died, I suck at being social in real life, Where's the sisterly love for me?, I only own one pair of fake jeans (the stretchy kind), Someone let the dogs out, Which one is Ren and which one is Stimpy?, No, seriously, where's Waldo?, Clarissa did not explain it all, Only one of the Lawrence brothers grew up cute, well, maybe two, Disney stopped making good TV shows, Someone keeps dropping screws in my tuna, Nobody comes when I yell "hey Arnold" The weather's got multiple personalities The dog hit me in the face with her tail People misjudge dragons and trolls (shame) BIG SPIDERS in every movie or video game, now why is this? The book "It" was boring. Sorry Mr. King If the fan is on, I get too cold, if it is off, I am too hot! Laundry never seems clean, even after you do a load (Do we really wear this many clothes in ONE DAY?) My nails are ugly, but I'm too lazy to file them Those capri sun drink packet thingies don't last very long I don't know who put the lime in the coconut? Let it Go stuck in my head 24/7 Bronies are stuck up, freaks out if a girl calls themselves a bronie (okay I get the bro part, but shesh) *no hate, joke joke* That means I'm a gronie? My creative brain is dead (can't think of any creative ideas whatsoever... meaning I am dying for new rps, but where did the ideas go?) My sisters are better at crafts than me or I'm too lazy to try, or too poor... Mmm all three The job market blows and dumb jobs who lay people off for no good reason McDonalds has My Little Pony toys and I'm an adult who is broke... pathetic.... no... I don't know! Stop judging me! Collecting things is pointless when you could only ever afford one thing for said collection... sad collection (One BJD doll I got as a gift ages ago... sad doll) Underwear going missing... uh what? Socks as well. Dryer monster? The Rugrats grew up.... I liked them as babies Joss Whedon kills characters I like.... Dumb tv shows that have 80 seasons and really good ones that only have 1 season or 2 before getting canceled Tom Bombadil missing from LOTR movies... *shakes head* So these are my serious, life crisis complaints. The world is doomed. Could be the Apocalypse? Well, if the apocalypse comes beep me. ((So this is very serious. Nobody understands. Does anyone know the feeling or am I really alone? ))