Name: Bob "Big Bob" Haymer Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: [img=] Hair is orange. Grey eyes hidden behind cheap sunglasses. Carries a tiny spider bot of his own creation on his shoulder to help him analyze data. Always in shorts. Physically large, 200cm. Minor History: Beginning life in a state of poverty, Bob was one of the few men on the planet who actively *welcomed* the war as a means to advance both himself and his species. A bit of a genius, albeit a mad one, he used these skills to lie, cheat, and steal for the sake of money and glory. A savage hunger deep inside his soul compelled him to never be happy in life, to always reach higher and become richer .Starting small by selling poor survivors supplies at inflated prices, he worked his way up by jumping from battlefield to battlefield. No target was too poor to fleece, no family hungry enough to temper his greed. Not long after meeting and befriending Jean-Baptiste Bertrand, Bob learned of a far more lucrative trade: giant robots. Using his natural tenacity, genius, and overall ability to thrive in any situation Bob became a pilot at the Creed Corporation corporation with the single goal of stealing their tech and using it to become filthy rich. Besides, he could always destroy a little extra to ensure some quick profit... Personality: An entrepreneur at his core,Bob is the perfect picture of your average goofball and can be a bit of a ditz. Friendly, somewhat dim, and a little cowardly he treats all pilots as a group of friends and is willing to listen to their problems and feelings. This, however, is a grand and near flawless act on his only Jean-Baptiste Bertrand truly understands the real Bob. A schemer and money grubber, Bob is loyal to money first and his planet second. His largest worry in this war is that there would be nothing left to purchase in the off chance that the aliens win. While capable of brilliant tactics and rapid data analysis, Bob is a sociopath and will rarely help others unless it profits him in some way. "Respects" qualities such as greed, pride, and hatred as those are the easiest to manipulate and market. The levels of protection on Creed mechs anger him to no end, as he is currently unable to crack their secrets. Skills: Probably the highest raw intelligence among the group, Bob is a master of mental manipulation and adapts to any situation quickly. Mech Name: The Moral judgment Weapons: Scoop Claws(one on each arm) Rather than having a melee weapon, the robots arms are refitted in the image of construction equipment. Giant and durable, they are used to crush and tear the enemy to total pieces with no mercy and to inflict as much pain as possible. They are incredibly sturdy and can take high levels of punishment. Barrier System Unique to the Moral judgment, the unit can project barriers over its body for increased defensive and offensive purposes. The most popular use is to protect joints in the scoop claws or to project a barrier around them and the body to crush enemies like a trash compactor, but it is also able to function as a barrier based on Bob's calculations and needs. Specialty: Dominance against multiple enemies at once in close quarters combat, able to fight large groups and support retreating squad mates. Can take large amounts of damage and fight larger enemies 1 v 1 as needed. Mech Ability: A high output thruster much more powerful than most of its peers allows the unit to fly at amazing speeds in a *single* direction. By projecting the barrier around the mech it becomes a giant wrecking ball of death and destruction. Used mostly to take out large groups of enemies, or a really large one, the unit itself is unable to move or attack when on its set course. Something of a last resort, due to Bob's motion sickness, its not uncommon for the mech to overshoot its target and take a fair amount of time to return to combat. The only way to change direction once boosted is via assistance from The Orlando Furioso, who is able to "pinball" the mech using the shock waves from its plasmacaster. Drawbacks/Weakness: Moral Justice has little to no ranged options other than its mega boost and when not using it is the slowest of all mechs. Speedy hit and run tactics and accidentally launching itself out of the fray are all weaknesses. While able to defend against snipers, has little countermeasure against them. Causes a lot of damage to its surroundings. Appearance: An ugly, rather squad brutish machine that towers over other mechs. Parts are mostly orange, black, and yellow befitting its construction motif, but the unit gains a pinkish glow when using its barriers. Very bulky, its design sense is very poor and it is obviously made from older parts. Has a very menacing grin on its "face."