Name: Richard Samhain Aka: "Rook" Age: 24 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 193 lbs Appearance: [img][/img] Birthplace: District 19, Currently residing in District 17 Occupation: Gang member for the "Fleur de Lis" of District 17 Personality: Tba in game.... History: Fending for himself has been the norm since he was little. No parents to call his, unknown to what actually happened to them he lived off the scraps that were given to him from soup kitchens and whatever he could steal. Learning to make the slums, alleyways and rooftops his home. He learned the ins and outs of D17 and as he got older it soon became his playground. Him and a few of his friends got together and made a small crew called Fleur de Lis as they tagged various places with their logo and created all around mischief. The gang soon grew larger and rivaled other gangs from nearby districts in Beta. Specalizing in Second floor break-ins, ransacking houses without even touching the ground. Other: Rook was born with a rare genetic disorder in which he does not feel pain. He is respected in Fleur de lis but others tend to steer clear of him. He's often considered too outgoing and said to be so reckless as if he was trying to get caught. [Hider=His Masque][img][/img] Every member of Fleur de lis has a mask like this. They often go out and create mischief under the cover of these masks. Each one has a tiny number under the left eye, his is number 07 [/Hider] [Hider=Sidearm][img][/img] Rook always carries this 9mm pistol with him always. Its one of the last remaining black market pistols that do not contain RFID tags. Its untraceable by scanners. [/hider] *what I have so far... I may add more