Emily smiled and waved as Bonnie turned away. [i]Ohmygosh I suck at making friends. And I have a whole month of dealing with this.[/i] She sucked in a deep breath, and opened to door to the office. The office lady immediately turned to her and scowled, as if having a lowly student come into her office was some kind of nightmare. "Um, hi! I'm Emily Botes, I'm new today..." Fifteen minutes later Emily was rushing to her first class. [i]Why on earth did I select in advanced biology!?[/i] She panicked, she'd done ok in general science last year, but [i]advanced biology[/i] seemed extreme. The receptionist had painstakingly described to her that because she was joining in the middle of the term, most of the classes were full, and she'd have to select five subjects out of a list of seven. PE, English, Statistics, Greek History, and [i]Advanced Biology[/i] were her selections. Emily rushed down an almost empty hallway, only those who were also rushing like her, or the lazy latecomers who meandered down the hall were left. She burst in the door, and then immediately regretted it. Advanced biology seemed to be one of those classes were you arrive early and start revising, the class was almost full, with a few people quietly chatting. All eyes turned to her. The teacher was a young male who looked frazzled, probably due to his job surrounded by hormonal teenage girls. He quietly introduced Emily and asked her to find a seat. A girl with a nasal noise spoke up, after looking Emily up and down a couple of times. "You can us with us." The girl said, gesturing to the empty space between her and another girl. As soon as Emily's bottom touched the seat the questions began. "Where are you from?", "What school did you go too?", "Are there boys there? Do you have a boyfriend?", "Does your boyfriend have friends?" They went on and on, and in the next class Emily went to another girl asked all of those questions again, and again. After what seemed like years, the bell rang for lunch. And Emily walked out into the crowded mess hall, she hadn't brought any lunch today, so she weaved her way to the lunch line, trying to pick out the girls she'd met today somewhere in the crowd.