Minata almost pierced the mime girl when she suddenly waved her hand in front of her, her long bony tail slipping out from under her coat. 'Ufh.. Oddy, don't do that when I'm busy. You almost got a blade in you.' she huffed. The blades flowed to her skin and slipped back into her body, a somewhat vile looking action to most. 'Ambrose is right. We just don't want to scare them away, so don't go placing bear traps around again, you know how that ended up last time.' she stated. 'They can be creeped out, but don't do too much yet.' she said. She glanced at Nychta again as the girl seemingly slipped away to the animal tent, before looking at their new arrival, Jeroliu. 'You're the new kid, huh?' she smiled faintly. 'What's your task here? What do you do?'