[quote=xAsunaWolfx]Interesting enough, but a question is never pointless, although you may or may not answer - yes, even the ones with grammatical errors.[/quote] A question is never pointless, no. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]It sort of how we, as either scientist or non-scientist, learn and experience.[/quote] Right! Which means that in order to broaden the purview of our knowledge, we cannot allow things like offense to be used as legitimate reasons to silence people who dislike a scientific thread, right? Right??? [quote=xAsunaWolfx]Because it can be offensive.[/quote] Fuck. In all seriousness though: It doesn't matter if you are offended. Your being offended doesn't give you or anyone else the right to censor something. Being offended is perfectly fine, it's legal, it's allowed... It's just a horrible reason to say that something cannot be taught or laughed at. Like evolution. In a science class room. Because it's a science. Used everywhere. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]You don't seem them promoting one certain religion ( Don't mix this up with them giving the history of it, think of it as a church sermon way. However, religion has influenced that past heavily with ancient empires, etc, etc.).[/quote] They are absolutely promoting a Judeo-Christian, monotheistic creator, right down to including events from the bible as core parts of the theory! :lol I've read Intelligent Design, it's terrible as a scientific theory! [quote=xAsunaWolfx]It's almost respectful to give both equal grounds if it needs to be talked about. Or don't talk about it at all.[/quote] From now on, all history classes will teach the Nazi perspective of World War 2, and how the Jews are subhuman scum to be wiped from the Earth. From now on, all English literature classes will also contain a French of Spanish quotient in order for students to pass. From now on, all church sermons will include a one hour seminar about evolution and atheism. Do you see how insane this line of logic is? It's not respectful: It's delusional. I'm sorry but it is. Creationism, Intelligent Design--these things are not scientific theories, they do not belong in a science classroom. Period. End of discussion. Really. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]I bet schools do not want to deal with mobs of angry parents/ students.[/quote] That just makes the education system run by incompetent cowards. Which isn't new, really. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]I myself am in school, and history is... often on the back burner by many students. It isn't worth changing what is already there :/.[/quote] [i]"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,"[/i] --George Santayana. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]~~~anywho,I read something today. It went sort of like this " In spite of evidence, evolution has been rejected by members of religious groups who prefer creationism. This attempts to explain some of the features of plants and animal life through an interpretation of the bible. In the scientific field, however, there is little doubt that the general outline of Darwin's theory of evolution is correct...a recently proposed modification of evolution theory suggests that from time to time, evolution may proceed rapidly. These bursts of activity are followed by long periods of no change. This modification is called punctuated equilibrium, which goes a long way toward explaining what has been called incompleteness of fossil record, that is, the scarcity of the fossils,"No matter where you look, there is uncertainty somewhere, a "scarcity of information".[/quote] [Citation needed] Though, to address this: No, we have plenty of fossils, especially of our own ancestry. Yes, it's true, some parts of history had explosions of activity while others did not, it likely had a lot to do with the environment during those periods of time. And religious groups tend to reject evolution because it conflicts with how they believe the world to be. They use faith in place of evidence. There's nothing wrong with that, that's a personal choice that they, as adults, are allowed to make... But a child should be taught science in a science classroom. Evolution is entirely relevant to science, especially when explaining biodiversity and biology. If a parent doesn't want their child learning evolution, they have the choice of sending them to a private facility, or home schooling them, or any other number of things than attempting to [i]censor science[/i] because they're offended by it and it hurt their precious feelings... Look science made modern medicine, and the Internet, and radio, and airplanes, and pretty much everything we use in our day to day lives, is some byproduct of science... So I guess you could call it an irony that the people who condemn science are the same people who pop anti-depressants while driving an automatic gear-shift SUV, all the while tuning the radio to listen to their favourite christian rock band which was recorded using sound capture hardware developed in a laboratory somewhere. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. [quote=xAsunaWolfx]Of course, most do not feel uncertain with their own belief.[/quote] Of course. Because nobody wants to be wrong about this sort of thing. It's terrifying to accept that you can never possible know for certain, absolutely. Not for now, anyway. I simply take the side of evidence because, well, evidence leads to prosperous conclusions, generally... [quote=xAsunaWolfx]All this really shows me is that I guess when you die, you'll find out whether you've been living a truth or a lie.[/quote] What? Living a truth or a lie? My life is not a lie. I live it just fine thank you. What happens after I die is the question, not my life. :lol [quote=xAsunaWolfx]I'm also curious about the future of the numbers of creationist/ ones of evolution. Words out that Democrats number of evolutionist are increasing, and republicans are decreasing. I say there's going to eventually be a /huge split/ in the USA nation since beliefs influence well.... other beliefs- a bigger split than has what already been presented if people do not resort back to the foundations, the so called "original political/law times." I almost wonder if it would be topics like this that will eventually destroy the stability of the government.[/quote] You think the US Government is stable as is when they nearly rammed the economy into the ground playing chicken over [i]Obamacare?[/i] You really think the US Government is stable when the President can order people arrested without a warrant, and break every single constitutional right of its citizens on a whim? You think the US Government is stable when there's non-stop doom prophecies coming from every sector of society? Uhh... Hate to break it to you, but the US Government is [i]fucked.[/i] It has been for several years now. It's barely hobbling along, like some... Horrifyingly obese... Thing... Just... Rolling down a hill and hoping it doesn't hit something and bruise itself again. It might recover. It might not. As it stands though? Religion won't be the death knell of the US Government, but it sure isn't helping things with these divides over really dumb shit.