Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak found himself nervous, still believing that much could go wrong in approaching Mar. Perhaps he was being too cautious. After all, with how far along Mar's pregnancy was, she was certainly not in peak physical condition and might realize the risks involved with lashing out at someone. Regardless, Ssarak still did not wish to offend her. The Nagas' customs were entirely alien to both Human and Esyire cultures, so neither he nor Annabeth had any real idea of what expectations they had for social interaction. Perhaps he would be able to convince Annabeth to present the gifts to Althalus, instead of Mar? He was Human, and much more friendly and approachable than Mar. Allowing him to take the gifts would serve the same purpose with less risk. Just as Ssarak was about to speak up, Annabeth rounded the corner at the same time as another individual, who ended up falling to the ground as a result of the impact. Upon closer inspection, Ssarak saw that it was his roommate, Leith. He seemed unharmed as he stood up and dusted himself off, and Annabeth had managed to keep her footing, so there was no cause for concern. "Good morning, Leith." Ssarak added after the two introduced themselves.