Somewhere in the midst of his shock and confusion, Ethan stood up and brushed himself off. His jaw dropped as he watched the strange creature morph from his mostly human form back into a form indistinguishable from a large cat. But then the figure started to leave. For a brief moment he was frozen, afraid that he might have imagined the whole thing somehow, but he had to find out. Grabbing his backpack, Ethan ran in the direction that the creature had disappeared. He did not immediately see him, in either form, but spoke anyway, hoping that the cat-creature-robot-thing could hear him. “Considering what I've just seen, that's not much of an answer. Please, who are you? Thank you for rescuing me, but I don't understand,” he declared out into the air. [i]Yep, that's it. I'm completely fucking insane. I just had a goddamn hallucination. All of it was a hallucination. But... but...[/i] Ehtan looked down at his cracked phone. [I]How could a hallucination break my phone? Maybe I broke my phone, I read somewhere that sometimes schizophrenics interact with their environment and think that the hallucinations did it. Yep. I'm crazy. That's it. That's the only explanation for a morphable cat-human thing to just chase my bullies away. I mean, it makes sense, my genes are imperfect. Of course I'm more prone to schizophrenia. But, if I'm crazy, then how can I know I'm crazy? God I need help...[/i] the understandably confused teen thought to himself, his thoughts a rambling jumble of conflicted emotions and ideas.