Hag and Mortimer walked together across the stands of the carnival, witnessing the many different people who looked at them, the huge and pale-looking guy with a top hat and a crow and the other man with a mask and an eerie feeling surrounding him. "Now, Mortimer...these people in Denmark, as I have remarked earlier today, haven't seen a carnival in a long, long time. As it is expected, it is a very peaceful place with near zero crime-rate and of course no demons or supernatural activity. That means those pure and delicious souls will surely be pure enough for our workers to consume, and maybe give us two a feast we won't forget, right ol' buddy?" Hag asked him with a grin and elbowed his side. Mortimer rolled his eyes and sighed. "S-Sure...b-but you know...We can't risk them suspecting of us, so we'll better keep low p-profile on the shows and when the time to c-c-close arrives...We will surely enjoy all th-those pure souls." Mortimer usually talked with his own voice when the only person around them was Hag himself, but he had never talked to any other of the staff members on his own, Shadow was the one talking for him. "Excellent Mortimer! As always, we seem to be in synergy when it comes to hunting down souls..." Both men kept walking and checking on everything while Shadow inspectioned everything like a camera.