Rastun mulls over the plan and on the surface, there shouldn't be any problems with it. Brainwave doesn't seem to be the type to overlook details and he has been hard at work with his calculations. These Cybertronians are far more advanced than the ones he knows of, and accurately predicting outcomes of carefully planned actions should be the least of their capabilities. However, Rastun couldn't help but have a nagging feeling that something will go wrong from this. Again though, he doesn't have any better ideas at the moment, so he'll just have to trust in Brainwave's plan. "I have no problems with it," he responds and adds, "The offer of your partner's strategic capabilities appears to be a good recompense for no new additional technology, hopefully sating their greed. I'm not sure I can find anything overly wrong with this scheme." Still, he couldn't get rid of his vague worries. Perhaps it's simply the idea of trusting two unknowns and being stuck without logical alternatives.