Sophia yawned, and glanced at the bed. She didn't really feel comfortable sleeping in the bed her aunt had slept in. She didn't know if the sheets had been changed, or worse, if her aunt died in it. She noticed a duvet folded over the back of a arm chair, grabbing it, she pulled it over to the couch in the adjoining lounge. "So, what was the purpose of giving you human emotions?" As Sophia thought about the question she asked, she realised the gravity of it, robots were perfect because they [i]didn't[/i] have emotion, emotion was humans flaw. Why would someone program humans greatest flaw into a machine? "Ok well.. I'm going to bed now.. There are a couple of things that need doing since I'm going to be living her for awhile. We need fresh groceries, the house and store needs cleaning, we need to take inventory and reopen the store.." She trailed off, another yawn interrupting her list. "We can start tomorrow morning I supposed...." She flopped onto the couch, her bare legs flipping into the air as she plonked on her back.