[quote=BlueRose] To be honest, when I wrote the intro it was late and I was tired XD but that is a good question, to which I do not know the answer. I think I'll look it up. To the interwebz!Also, Turt, how many people do you want for this?Edit: Concerning the slayed/slew question. Here's pretty much what I found:The primary verb is "slay", the past tense of which is typically "slew", and the past participle of which is typically "slain". However, "slayed", can be substituted and would not be incorrect for either the past tense or past participle. So, I'd take that as while "slayed" would be correct, "slew" would be the more proper way of putting it. Also, I suppose the sound of it in the sentence would matter as well, and rereading it I think "slew" would sound better.It's fun to look things up :) [/quote] To slay will slay did slay have slew you slew Will have slayed we slayed Was slain, will be slain, has been slain Has been slayed, exists in a state of being slayed (ow). Well, that certainly was interesting. And a little murderous. OuO If the character number goes above the max before I write a character I'll just watch what happens here.