"Yes, of course you can. Because creating a house party totally out of the blue is a [i]great[/i] idea," Aoi agreed sarcastically, "Why don't we invite Ilya, May, Flint, and the rest as well? The more the merrier and all that [i]jazz[/i]...!" Resting his chin on his desk space before releasing a subdued sigh. He really didn't know why he kept hanging around these people, partner discounted. They were all much more rowdy and outgoing than himself, which wasn't exactly [i]bad[/i] per se, just very, very frustrating for someone like him. He glanced at Kiel, who was likely the only person who could relate, before looking back to the front. --- "Fliiiiiiiint~ Did'ja hear that? We were invited to a hoooouse paaaartay!" Ilya whispered loudly to his face-desking partner, "that means [i]free food[/i]!" The weapon poked him the each side of the head a few times to get him to start moving. "We should gooooo~!"