That tune. That song. There was that song again. The notes were soaring through the floorboards of The Abandoned Bar and in through the ventilation system into the room Charlize Cousineau for the time being called her own. The room's original intent was anyone's best guest but she had taken it onto herself to make it livable. Purchasing a small bed and some girlish touches, she made the place seemed like any studio flat you could purchase in the posh area's of London. Filled to the brim with various plants, the room definitely had enough color and energy. Like John below, Charlize did not find comfort in staying below in the headquarters. It made her feel trapped and she couldn't stand feeling trapped. She owed The Order her life and respect. It was true she gave a lot of her time and energy to them as it was, but they could and would not take her free spirit. Her slate grey remained closed as she let the music wrap around her ankles and traveled up the foot of her bed, traveled around her ankles, swirled around her slender legs, fluttered around her belly, to eventually come to a rest in the pit of her heart. There was something about that song that made her feel more alive than she really was. At least she thought it was the song, it could have been last night's mix of cocktails making her feel like she had something crawling under her skin. [i]"I can feel you standing there. Did you want to say something or did you want a show?"[/i] Charli mumbled, her eyes still closed. Heavy feet shuffled a little across the wooden floor boards. [i]"Charlize, you know I have to check in on you. You remember what happened last time?"[/i] She didn't. When most people got tired, they went to sleep and got up later- refreshed. If she went to sleep, she couldn't retain enough energy to remain alive. The last time she had gotten that low, well- she couldn't really remember what happened, but apparently it was bad. The man walked forward, [i]"Ahem"[/i] he cleared his throat, still expecting a reply from the young girl. Charlize began to roll over, lifting the blanket and flashing the man her naked back side. She made the full turn before covering up again with the large quilt that adorned her bed. [i]"Jesus Charlize, have some self respect! Get up and out of bed already. You fall into these moods sometimes that I can't even understand. You usually are so carefree and cheerful, what is wrong with you? Get up. "[/i] Charlize turned her head looking over her shoulder her eyes slowly opening and blinking. Her slate eyes stared at the man. He was dedicated. That, or he was paid very well. [i]"Can we do the lilies today? They are my favorite."[/i] the young woman cooed, her pink lips forming a small hopefully smile. [i]"There's our girl! I'll give you a moment to get dressed, then we will get started."[/i] Getting ready for the day with the various mundane tasks most humans did, Charli finished her routine with putting on a pale pink blouse and a pair of dark pegged jeans. Before the incident she had long, thick, jet black mane. They assumed the hair died and the pigment with the regrowth. It was offered to her multiple times if she would like to have it restored to it's original state, but she declined; She started to find it a pretty shade after awhile anyways. The music had eventually come to a stop. Charlize had noticed as she pulled her hair into a small pony tail and clipped a few bobby pins in to keep her bangs out her way as she worked in the bar. [i]"Okay, I'm ready!"[/i] she called to the man who was just outside her door. For about a half hour they worked at learning how to take energy in the most effective way from the elements around her. [i]"Shit."[/i] Charlize grumbled pushing the wilted flower away. [i]"Oh, don't give up so easily. You'll get it eventually. You've gotten so much better already. You and John both and have been making such progress, as far as we can tell."[/i] John. John was a mysterious man to Charlize. Not in the way that they wrote sappy romance novels about either. He was mysterious in the way that you wanted to lay in bed and talk to him till sunrise until you figured out every single detail. She even was curious about the skeletons in his closet. The only things she truly knew about him was; 1) Steady and sturdy worker. 2) He was a talented musician. 3) Fantastic. Butt. A smile crawled her lips, [i]"That's good."[/i] she nodded, as the session wrapped up. The man took the wilted Lily in his hand as it sprung back to life, he placed it in Charlize's hair before cupping her cheek, [i]"We only have about four sessions left before they want you to be at a certain place. Please practice some during your off time. Also, you better get to work downstairs, it's getting late."[/i] Nodding in agreement Charlize slipped on some black boots as she followed the man out of the room and down the stairs into the bar. Quickly she walked over the the daily schedule and checked to see what her duties today were.