I sigh. 'Another dud' I tell myself as I watch the girl continue to stare at the symbol, as if it was some unfathomable object out of reach. I snatch the piece of paper out of her hand and place it in my pocket, "time's up little girl, you failed, goodbye." She looked dissapointed, but not all to unhappy that it's over. If only she knew what she could've achieved if she just had the skill. I leave the room, sad that another prospect bites the dust. I take my usual spot in the corner of the bar, the table allows me a view of the whole place along with being away from anything that consists of an entrance or exit. Not only does it let me evaluate people entering and leaving, but also eliminates most of the threats. The door chimes, signalling someone walking into the bar, I glance up to check who it is. [b]Ah[/b] It's the sigilist, Clara, once again she reeks of death. I followed up on her a while ago, she periodically kills for money. Her potential is huge, her skill decent, but she's naive to pursuit a job that has a 100% mortality factor. No job is ever perfect, the first mistake you make is the last. Well, either way, we'll see what happens when I give her the Test. But another day, for now I'll just test her. "Grim, Awaken," I state to the air. For a split second the sword on my back shifts into a scythe before returning to is normal form. The girl glances around, as if feeling a presence thats no longer there. [i]I smile.[/i] Next time I see her, I'll see how she fares. "I want cake," Grim whispers. I pause, "cake? really." "Hey, you agreed that the contract can be ANYTHING and I want CAKE so get it STAT." Grim huffs. "yeah yeah," I sigh getting up. ---[b]3 days later[/b] She reeks of death again, I mutter to myself as Clara walks into the bar. Either way I decided to do this. I get up and start walking to her...