Read at your own risk... [hider=Skype Madness] [12:35:39 PM] Lesli: I want to hear how you and Gero kissed. [12:35:42 PM] j8cob: OH [12:35:43 PM] j8cob: OH [12:35:43 PM] B: HAHAH [12:35:44 PM] j8cob: OH [12:35:44 PM] j8cob: Oh [12:35:45 PM] Chrome: Hahaha, Well, that is awesome Les!! Glad to hear it, well, at least most of it xD [12:35:45 PM] j8cob: OH [12:35:45 PM] B: That was hilarious [12:35:47 PM] j8cob: I WANT HEAR [12:35:56 PM] j8cob: :D [12:35:57 PM] B: It was at the trainstation [12:36:00 PM] Roro: (facepalm) [12:36:01 PM] B: I was in the train [12:36:02 PM] Lesli: I know Gero is a great kisser when he puts effort in it. [12:36:04 PM] Lesli: So tell me. [12:36:09 PM] Lesli: How was your first experience with him?~ [12:36:09 PM] B: and they were waiting for the train to leave [12:36:10 PM] j8cob: THIS IS TOO GOOD [12:36:19 PM] j8cob: THIS REQUIRES ALL CAPS WHILE IM STILL LAUGHING [12:36:22 PM] B: xD [12:36:24 PM] Roro: I nearly threw him infront of Fiery's train. [12:36:30 PM] Lesli: Was it that bad? [12:36:37 PM] Lesli: Or were you expecting too much? [12:36:39 PM] j8cob: TOO MUCH [12:36:41 PM] j8cob: ROFL [12:36:42 PM] B: And Gero just jumped Roro [12:36:46 PM] Roro: Yes, because moments before he caused a lady to miss her train. [12:36:48 PM | Edited 12:36:54 PM] B: Freaking hilarious [12:36:50 PM] j8cob: THIS GETS BETTER AND BETTER [12:36:58 PM] Lesli: Haahahaha. [12:37:11 PM] j8cob: I was just about to get back on DayZ and I see this little gem. [12:37:15 PM] B: xD [12:37:21 PM] B: Roro is very silent now.. [12:37:22 PM] j8cob: Too good. [12:37:25 PM] Lesli: But come on, details.~ [12:37:32 PM] Lesli: Did you French kissed or? [12:37:34 PM] j8cob: Was there tongue? [12:37:34 PM] j8cob: XD [12:37:39 PM] j8cob: ROFL WE THOUGHT THE SAME THING [12:37:40 PM] Lesli: Stared each other deeply in the eyes? [12:37:42 PM] B: *did kiss [12:37:45 PM] Lesli: Hahahahaha. [12:37:56 PM] B: Gero was kinda overwhelming [12:38:14 PM] j8cob: I bet he was. XD [12:38:17 PM] Roro: . . . [12:38:18 PM] Roro: No [12:38:21 PM] Lesli: Hahahahaha. [12:38:23 PM] j8cob: Got that jungle fever now Roro? XD [12:38:29 PM] Lesli: I was kind of overwhelmed at times. [12:38:32 PM] Lesli: Indeed. [12:38:33 PM] B: Hahahahahaha [12:38:40 PM] Lesli: Hahahhaa, J8cob, you almost sound like you got experience as well?~ [12:38:53 PM] j8cob: Let's put it this way, Les: [12:38:54 PM] Lesli: :D [12:38:56 PM] Lesli: I am back! [12:38:56 PM] Roro: He first covered my mouth with his hand, then he sort of headbutted me with the wrong part of his head, and then looked around nervously. [12:39:05 PM] B: ^ [12:39:07 PM] B: That.. [12:39:09 PM] j8cob: I have not had my tongue inside a WHITE girl's mouth. Ever. [12:39:12 PM] Roro: I was initially too baffled to do much, and then I pushed him into a garbage can. [12:39:22 PM] Lesli: [12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< I have not had my tongue inside a WHITE girl's mouth. Ever.We're kind of alike. [12:39:23 PM] Roro: Well, not inside. [12:39:25 PM | Edited 12:39:28 PM] Roro: Against one. [12:39:30 PM] Roro: Sadly. [12:39:37 PM] j8cob: I would imagine you haven't made out with another woman, Lesli. XD [12:39:39 PM] Lesli: Wauw, you like it rough? [12:39:44 PM] Roro: Ask Fiery~ [12:39:51 PM] Lesli: I actually meant - [12:39:51 PM] B: Ask me? [12:39:51 PM] Lesli: :| [12:39:52 PM] B: what? [12:39:58 PM] j8cob: I know, Lesli. :p [12:40:02 PM] Lesli: Oh... [12:40:06 PM] j8cob: And Roro almost saved himself right der. [12:40:07 PM] j8cob: But no. [12:40:09 PM] Lesli: [12:39 PM] Roro: <<< Ask Fiery~So wrong. [12:40:10 PM] j8cob: I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS [12:40:12 PM] Lesli: So very wrong. [12:40:17 PM] j8cob: I WILL BRING THIS UP PERIODICALLY [12:40:20 PM] j8cob: AND I WILL LAUGH [12:40:22 PM] B: You should [12:40:23 PM] Roro: I know, since when did we ever do this right? [12:40:25 PM] B: Gero will die [12:40:26 PM] Lesli: Asking confirmation of your girlfriend in public? [12:40:27 PM] Lesli: Wrong. [12:40:37 PM] Roro: Do I look like I give a fuck? [12:40:40 PM] j8cob: XD [12:40:41 PM] Lesli: :O [12:40:43 PM] B: She can't see you [12:40:46 PM] Lesli: So you don't give a fuck about... [12:40:49 PM] Nim: [12:36 PM] Roro: <<< Ask Fiery~ [12:36 PM] Lesli: <<< So wrong.The moment you reacted Les, it made it 10 times more wrong. [12:40:55 PM] B: ... [12:40:58 PM] B: Slow Nim? x3 [12:41:00 PM] Roro: XD [12:41:02 PM] j8cob: I'm still laughing about all of this. [12:41:05 PM] B: It was already wrong [12:41:06 PM] Roro: Nim's processor is overheated [12:41:07 PM] j8cob: It's too good. [12:41:08 PM] Lesli: So am I. [12:41:11 PM] j8cob: It's just all too good. [12:41:12 PM] Lesli: And I feel bad now. [12:41:13 PM] Nim: I am working on... [12:41:14 PM] j8cob: Everything about it. [12:41:19 PM] Lesli: Lesli offers a hug to Dotje. [12:41:19 PM] Nim: 6 hours of sleep in 3 days. [12:41:23 PM] Nim: Gimme a break. [12:41:24 PM] Lesli: Sorry, I will stop teasing you now. [12:41:28 PM] B: Don't stopppp [12:41:28 PM] Roro: Roro rejects Sassli. [12:41:29 PM] Lesli: Just missed that. [12:41:32 PM] Lesli: Aawww. [12:41:35 PM] B: its funny [12:41:38 PM] Lesli: I am a good kisser too.~ [12:41:39 PM] Lesli: ;) [12:41:42 PM] B: Hahahahha [12:41:42 PM] Nim: ..... [12:41:43 PM] Lesli: Without a hand. [12:41:46 PM] Chrome: What... in the actual heck... is... [12:41:47 PM] j8cob: ADVERTISING ARE WE!? XD [12:41:47 PM] Nim: ................................... [12:41:51 PM] B: Hahahahahahahahahahah [12:41:53 PM] Roro: Well that's great news for your potential new boyfriend you told us about? [12:41:54 PM] B: Mine Les. [12:41:54 PM] Lesli: Hey, you just did that. [12:41:55 PM] Lesli: Let me! [12:41:57 PM] B: Keep your hands off~ [12:42:00 PM] Lesli: ;) [12:42:01 PM] B: of whatever.. [12:42:05 PM] j8cob: I didn't do shit. I'm just dying over here. ROFL [12:42:13 PM] Lesli: You won't get there, Dotje. ;) [12:42:14 PM] B: [12:41 PM] Roro: <<< Well that's great news for your potential new boyfriend you told us about?This. [12:42:15 PM] Chrome: Just... [12:42:17 PM] Chrome: What... [12:42:20 PM] Nim: Nim doesn't get whats going on. [12:42:24 PM] Chrome: Chrome joins Nim [12:42:25 PM] Lesli: Haahahah. [12:42:31 PM] Roro: HAHAHHAHAHAH [12:42:34 PM] Lesli: I missed this so much. [12:42:34 PM] Roro: WOW [12:42:37 PM] j8cob: Roro is trying to distract us from the conversation about his passionate kiss with Gero. [12:42:40 PM] Lesli: ^ [12:42:42 PM] B: ^ [12:42:44 PM] j8cob: BUT I BRING IT BACK EVERYTIME [12:42:47 PM | Edited 12:42:49 PM] B: He told you already [12:42:48 PM] j8cob: MWUAHAHAHAHA [12:42:48 PM] Nim: O.O [12:42:49 PM] Roro: Well it totally worked [12:42:52 PM] B: how it went down [12:42:57 PM] B: Did you miss it? [12:42:58 PM] j8cob: SHUSH [12:43:01 PM] Nim: [12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero.[12:39 PM] j8cob: <<< his passionate kiss with Gero. [12:43:01 PM] j8cob: SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [12:43:02 PM] Roro: Yeah I just explained in detail how it went [12:43:03 PM] Nim: WHAT [12:43:12 PM] B: x3 [12:43:14 PM] Roro: But apparently you need new reading glasses [12:43:18 PM] j8cob: Shush. [12:43:21 PM] Roro: xD [12:43:21 PM] j8cob: Don't ruin it for me. [12:43:23 PM] B: I vote for telling it again [12:43:25 PM] Roro: Oh yes, sir! [12:43:37 PM] Lesli: Dotje, don't be mad now. :( [12:43:38 PM] Nim: ..... [12:43:44 PM | Edited 12:43:57 PM] Chrome: /me is sad he didn't get pics... [12:43:47 PM] j8cob: To think if I had just didn't look at this chat and got back on DayZ, I would've missed all this. XD [12:43:50 PM] B: OH [12:43:52 PM] Roro: [12:38 PM] Roro: <<< He first covered my mouth with his hand, then he sort of headbutted me with the wrong part of his head, and then looked around nervously.[12:39 PM] Roro: <<< I was initially too baffled to do much, and then I pushed him into a garbage can.[12:39 PM] Roro: <<< Well, not inside. Against one. Sadly. [12:43:55 PM] Roro: Explained again. [12:43:56 PM] B: B hands pictures to Chrome [12:43:57 PM] Roro: tada :D [12:44:00 PM] Nim: Nim is too tired to completely understand. [12:44:10 PM] Lesli: Would it make it better if I say I have pictures of C? [12:44:12 PM] B: I was there after all [12:44:14 PM] B: YES [12:44:15 PM] Roro: OOOH [12:44:15 PM] B: OMG [12:44:16 PM] j8cob: Gero forced his manliness onto Roro. [12:44:16 PM] Roro: OOOH SHOW [12:44:17 PM] B: YES [12:44:17 PM] Roro: US [12:44:19 PM] Roro: OLFGHGV.HB/+KL [12:44:19 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:20 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:21 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:22 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:23 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:23 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:23 PM] Roro: I have no manliness. [12:44:24 PM] Gero: NO [12:44:26 PM] Gero: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12:44:30 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:31 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:31 PM] Roro: And Gero doesn't either. [12:44:32 PM] Bella: lol [12:44:33 PM] Lesli: Called it. [12:44:33 PM] Nim: Wild Gero suddenly reacts. [12:44:37 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:38 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:38 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:39 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:39 PM] Chrome: It would indeed Les [12:44:39 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:39 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:40 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:40 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:40 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:41 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:41 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:41 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:42 PM] B: YES [12:44:42 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:42 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:42 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:42 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:42 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:43 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:43 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:43 PM] Roro: Gero why do you reject me now? [12:44:43 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:44 PM] j8cob: YES [12:44:44 PM] Gero: I so deeply hate and despise you [12:44:46 PM] Roro: :'( [12:44:48 PM] Gero: .... [12:44:50 PM] Gero: I don't [12:44:51 PM] Nim: Guys, stop spamming Yes. [12:44:51 PM] j8cob: BOTH ARE HERE NOW [12:44:52 PM] Gero: I miss you [12:44:53 PM] j8cob: :D [12:44:57 PM] Gero: and I want yo be with you... [12:44:57 PM] Roro: Awww [12:45:00 PM] B: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww [12:45:03 PM] Gero: Your soft skin ... of your shoulder... [12:45:11 PM] j8cob: [12:44 PM] Nim: <<< Guys, stop spamming Yes.%99.9 positive that was just me. [12:45:12 PM] Gero: You rough attitude and handling.... [12:45:21 PM] B: Nope me too [12:45:22 PM] B: once [12:45:23 PM] j8cob: I'm dead. [12:45:25 PM] j8cob: I'm just dead. [12:45:27 PM] j8cob: This is too great. [12:45:29 PM] B: xD [12:45:31 PM] Gero: Roro, I am craving for you O_O [12:45:37 PM] j8cob: j8cob dies. [12:45:38 PM] Roro: I have to admit I missed your skill in involving every nearby person in every conversation we have. [12:45:39 PM] Lesli: I can't breath. [12:45:41 PM] Roro: Especially on parties [12:45:52 PM] Lesli: ahahahahahahahahahah. [12:45:56 PM] Lesli: My cheeks are burning. [12:45:58 PM] Roro: I mean, I would have died without meeting that 45 year old Pakistani [12:46:04 PM] j8cob: THIS IS ALL GOING IN THE OOC! >:D [/hider]