[b]Cracking the Looking Glass[/b] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [i]Bastards... Those gluttonous fools do not known of the evil deed they have committed. It is the dastardly people in this world that make it what it is. At the expense of another being they receive something temporary and easily replaceable; Of course they are unaware of the wicked endeavor perpetrated. Death is the only desire they should seek now. [/i] A shady figure was standing on a think tree branch looking down upon a small village. Pondering and contemplating multiple things at once in his mind. Slightly quivering. The figure was a man. Cloaked in black. He continued to stare down from the high branch. The shadow had kept trembling slightly, as if standing in one spot was putting him in pain and the only thing close to a remedy was to slightly twitch occasionally. The stillness and lack of anything was deteriorating some parts of his mind and his patience. He kept thinking about the humans that lay in his field of sight. The village was actually quite simpler then it should have been. Structures have been created by black wood that filed the forest. They were not complex buildings. Simple. A few sticks and twigs placed to create a cone shaped home. Many of the houses were made like this. Many of the humans living here were randomly taken here, A river flowed close to the group of huts. Woods surrounding the river and small village of simple ignorant humans. The resemblance to earth still unnerved him. A small case of pondering what is reality and not. The small planet had been filled with mainly humans for many reasons. One of which, it was close to earth in appearance. Other then all the trees being a slightly darker shade and the strange creatures that attempted to kill them occasionally. The animals were similar also. It was habitable being the big reason. This is also one of the many reasons that they enjoy venturing and pillaging this land. Plenty of humans. The woods were thick and had been home to many lost children. A final resting place for the vagabonds like the man also. The mans name was Alex. Alex was sporting a black trench coat and matching fedora. Contradicting with his pale skin. His dark eyes kept observing his surroundings. [i]... This world mocks me. It attempts to intoxicate and overwhelm my mind. Poison and fill it with some kind of terrible form of madness.[/i] Alex began to tap his foot on the tree. Looking down on the humans here. They were stupid. They would kill other living beings for some kind of short nirvana of a sort. Alex was disgusted by those that would kill an animal. He was vegetarian. After adjusting his fedora he continued to observe. [i]Uncertainty. Humans and I have something in common. We both fear and tremble at uncertainty.[/i] Alex did not consider himself on low as a level of humans. He was of course himself human but wished he was not. Again he kept having his eyes peek at everything. Especially the sky. Sometime he doubted this world existed. It was just part of his mind. Perhaps he was imagining he was still sane and worrying about more usual things like perception of reality. Best to no dwell on such things... Alex prepared to leave the tree looking around one last time.