[quote=Turtlicious]I've never seen someone "change their mind" or "change their position" in OT, I've only seen them move the goal posts, concede, or just write paragraph upon paragraph changing the issue as much as possible so that they won't be seen as wrong.[/quote] We constantly hit complex topics, sometimes that means moving to smaller/different topics to get the bigger picture. I've done it with people here many times, hell we've had many topics made here that were originally sub-topics of another one. Also, to address at least one case where people have changed their mind or position. I'd highlight one of the previous feminist topic's here where me and Jorick went on a rather long and lengthy debate about men's rights, women's rights and some of the smaller/specific issues that plays into it. For the most part we've found ourselves agreeing largely, simply changing somewhat on some of the issues. But then there was the Abortion topic... I took the stance of pro-life, Jorick was pro-choice and Jorick proceeded with argument after argument that utterly destroyed my case for Pro-Life. I admitted that it did and although I am not currently calling myself Pro-Choice that was the event that caused me to halt and re-look at my position on the issue. Now granted, what Jorick did was in a sense softened/set-up from previous (and also good) pro-choice arguments I heard from an atheist group I'm in. But it was that specific debate, the one that happened right here in OT that was the trigger point for me to outright stop and re-look at my stance. [quote=Turtlicious]If I had to guess, you're not fond of spam because no-one "has" to engage you on the same level, and higher effort tends to be mocked.[/quote] I'm not fond of it because it reminds me of High School. Exactly in the way Brovo highlighted it, by mocking intelligence and thought and praising mindless vouches for attention and popularity. But no one "has" to engage me on the same level here either. Hell I more than admit I'm probably on the lower end of the scale of Intelligence, and ability to argue and debate compared to others on here. And a society that mocks effort is probably a society that isn't going to get far in anything. [quote=Brovo]I still don't understand how you got unbanned.[/quote] Everyone was when the new Guild started. I had even seen Mammoth, someone who was banned around the time I was first getting started on the Guild post on the site at least one or twice. Not sure if he's around now though. But basically the Admins treated the new site as a clean start for everyone. [quote=Jorick]Turt's nonsense and those responding to him are getting off topic though, so everyone should probably do the smart thing and not bother responding to any more of his shit stirring here in the thread.[/quote] Good call, I'll probably stop after this post if it continues to be a "OT sucks! You all suck!" sort of deal. [quote=Turtlicious] Anyways, on-topic.A friend of mine was in a Con game where the DM refused to actually acknowledge anything she said, or really that she was even at the table. My male friends who were with her were dumbstruck that they had to relay anything she said about in-game actions or speech to them first before the DM would do anything about it. She couldn't get her head around how someone could actually act like that, but he literally did not seem to accept she was part of the game except that her character seemed to be doing things. Everyone stuck around for the game to see how bad it could get, except one who texted everyone under the table that he was running for it before leaving "to take an important phone call."There were other shitty things in the game as well as the guy was (rather famously) self-important on top of his misogyny. At one point the DM mentions that there's a crack in the wall, and a friendly eighteen year old guy who'd joined my friends in the game said, "I smoke it!" and got a chuckle. The DM flips his fucking lid and begins yelling at the poor kid that it's an official RPGA event and how dare he bring that sort of disgusting thing to the table. My friends tried to defuse it by mocking the DM saying, "Yes, I won't have that fucking language around me," but it was clear that something weird was going on.The game eventually ended when two of the players had enough of the DM's bizarre goblin pet character, a guide helping the players who was obviously meant to be screamingly funny with painful homophobic humour. After the latest attempt at lisping juvenile bum gags, they nodded to each other and declared surprise attacks on it. The DM couldn't really do anything about it and was at a loss for why anyone would do this, and the game fell apart as everyone took a turn taking out their frustrations on the goblin. [/quote] If this story is true... God damn I keep getting baffled by how sexist people today still are. -.- Maybe it's because it was a girl who basically introduced me and taught me D&D, but I can never understand the mentality of those who get intimidated by girls at the D&D table.