I am (painfully) aware that mileage may vary and experiences aren't rated by the ESRB and what have you, and I know how it can be sink or swim forbpeople. This is where the high school comparisons are apt; it was definitely a clique. Although, I will say this, the people who are often the most popular there are the ones who proved they were intelligent and had some other factors going for them, like a certain brand of humour, impressive sarcasm, the ability to get along with most everyone, and so on. Mostly, it was an exercise of sticking it out until people got to know you without being an idiot or offensive. Once again, everyone has different experiences, and I don't dare presume to speak on your, or anyone else's, behalf on the matter. But as for the intelligent discussion thing, I swear it has merit. You know I am capable of having a rational, mature discussion with people, so I wouldn't make stuff up. It's just one of those things that happened once a blue moon. Anyways, you get the gist. I also use past tense because I don't know WTF it is now.