Halvtand - You have a gift for writing. I liked it. I like the building tension, I like the way you describe action. Of course, I have nits. If you can alter your post to make those nits go away, you are good to go. Nit 1: Rain and her reaction to it. The Gors live in a land where water is the most precious item. They cannot stand to see water wasted. They will fight over a tiny stream. Can you imagine what it would be like for her to stand in the rain? She would at least think about all that free water. It is not a grave error, but I feel you need to know the Gor's reaction to water. To them, one who offers water is a friend for life. Nit 2: Her name. I am assuming it is Caz dan Ro. I have posted a set of naming conventions for the different cultures and I would prefer it if you followed that. If you absolutely insist, I will let it stay. Nit 3: The "woe is me" bit. Sounds more like a Balenian noble talking. The Gors are a simple people. That's not to say they are not capable of deep thoughts. What I mean is, their language is like their attire - purely functional. If you can tone down the posh a bit, you will be there! Edit to Nit 2: It is partly my bad. I said one name. It is actually one-word name.