[img] http://i.imgur.com/Pt9pPoO.png [/img]  [B]"It's a sad story... They were like you once and we loved them. We worked side by side with them, we helped them and they helped us. Yes, they were just like you...but they went mad. Their cycle is over. Promise me you'll keep the list safe. I don't want the same thing to happen all over again. Whatever you do, don't trust them."[/b]   Shivers ran up her spine, the external hairs on her arms prickling as goosebumps appeared on its surface; dotting her complexion. Something about the Queen was off and Jasper just couldn't shake the feeling that something about Nowhere was entirely wrong. It was quite a disturbing sense to have, building up inside after every quest. The natural norm of Ace's reaction was uplifting and hopeful, brimful with enthusiasm and the will to continue. Jasper wasn't so sure. Already her sadness and longing for earth was weighing down on her, changing her very personality and remolding her previous beliefs in life. Reflecting an how she acted in the past compared to the fears and boundaries she'd faced in her time there, it was almost as if she had transformed into a whole new person, yet the identity remained the same. Jasper Golding... reborn? [B] "The other humans have arrived, dearies. Candy cane said they're inside now, oh, this is so exciting! They'll be here shortly! Please, please, don't forget your 'hellos' and 'how are yous' all of you must be so excited. Let's go say hello to your new friends."[/b] The [I]ding[/I] noise that sounded confirmed that the new shipments had reached the door and unfamiliar voices broke through the dining hall quiet. She hated it. Every couple of weeks there would be new people, more humans putting their life on the line to get out subliminally. They didn't know any better, but if they had then she was sure that none of them would've ever set foot in the train. Watching Ace break into a speed walk side by side with Queen Delirium, Jasper knew that the must be excited to greet other newcomers. It was her turn to greet and welcome, taking the position of someone with more experience in the foreign land than the recently shipped humans. Screeching to a sudden halt, she watched the busty one come bounding back only to pull them to the entrance to greet the newbies. Scanning the fresh faces with a curious gaze, she sized up each one, but withheld any opinions. A redhead female, but much less in the chest area compared to Ace. She looked excited and curious. A blond hooded male followed and immediately, Jasper could sense he wasn't the gentleman type. She cringed a bit, making a mental note to stay cautious around that one. Next was a dark haired fellow with a glasses. He looked quite pleasant and intelligent. The last one was a pink haired... person. At first glance she immediately thought it was a girl, but the longer she examined, she was beginning to think something was a bit off, yet she settled that she was a female. The hooded one came up first, hair slicked back and extended a hand which had some sort of weird residue. She sure wasn't going to touch it. Waving shyly and nodding, she retreated behind the greeting crowd a bit. [I]'Hmmm.. Vincent. I can remember that'[/I]