[quote=mbl] I wouldn't say it is likely for a near-unwinnable game that is currently only being played by no-names to be passed down to new members. I found the reaction these kids had to me pointing it out amusing, and made this thread because I figured most spammers wouldn't be bothering the check the game's thread. [/quote] Well it's never "officially" passed down but new people jump in and old people leave all the time. And thus, so long as the thread receives enough attention, it keeps going and new members just keep picking it up. It already [i]has[/i] been passed down. And it will be passed down again, any time someone new decides to jump in. Edit: Ok so up until this point I thought we were still talking about the original Men vs Women thread and not this new remake that just showed up. But if the new one gets enough attention as the old one, then the point should still stand. *shrugs*