[quote=mbl] I never cared about the opinion you shared, it's been irrelevant to what I was talking about from the beginning. I've lost respect for you because of all the arguing you did completely out of your ass against me without ever properly figuring out what I was talking about. [/quote] Dude, I admit I didn't know what I was talking about at first. I thought you were talking about a different thread at first. I admitted I misread it at first, so sorry about that. :/ It's just... my point still stood, even after I did know what you meant. It was a simple misunderstanding that I admitted to, but if you still don't respect me anymore, then, I guess I can't force you to think differently. [quote=_99bottles_] oh crap, is this classed as trolling? I was just amusing myself, please carry on. don't ban me, i just got here [/quote] Nah, you didn't do anything. Carry on. If anything I'm the one making a fool of myself, so uh, sorry, again.