It didn't take Clara long to reach her destination. The bar was a place that most people wouldn't give a second look to. Most would just pass by without a second thought. Oh, if only they knew of the special nature of the bar. She herself didn't come here often. She preferred the comforts of her own apartment to this place. The only reasons she came down here was to see if the Order had the rare job for her, or to just get drunk after a job. Usually, just the latter happened. She had done jobs for the Order in the past, but they didn't like dealing with her too much. Likewise she didn't like them too much either. She was pretty sure one of these days she would end up at odds with them, but it wasn't going to be today. She could use a drink, and that's just about it. She opened the door to the bar and took a quick look around. The usual people were there. No one that interested her really, aside from that one kid that gave her the creeps. What was his name? Shitubso or something? Man, that name was just asking to be made fun of. However, she didn't come here to contemplate making fun of some guys name. Ignoring him and the others, she took a seat at the bar and ordered her a drink. Vodka and a shot of Rum. As she waited for her drink, she noticed Shitubso walking up to her. [i]"Great. What the hell does he want?"[/i] She thought, giving him a sideways glance. She didn't really care much for the guy, or most other people for that matter. As far as she was concerned, people were liabilities. She didn't need liabilities. People would just slow her down or get in her way. In her line of work, that was dangerous. [b]" What do you want?"[/b] She asked without looking at him. [b]"Unless you're from the order and have work for me, then I don't want to talk to you."[/b]