She had slumped forth in her seat, groaning internally again at the piles and piles of sweet confectioneries this mad queen insisted on loading her table with. What sort of madmen served and ate only this sort of junk? Was there no real food to be had? Or did they up and away, leading to cooks turning to alternatives less inclined to flee? Her stomach groaned again at the thought of real food; she refused to eat cakes for dinner. It was not the only thing bothering her as well. The events back at the cave... How annoying.... How utterly utterly annoying... She felt just a bit.... absolutely livid. The feeling, the [i]urge[/i], to go out and kill everyone she can find was almost overwhelming. Not because of her forgetting her own birthday, no. No one cared about her birthday anyways; it was just another date in the calendar. It was those other people. How dare they attack them! The gall of them even thinking of taking the list for their own. And that New Boy took away the jacket. A real pity, she was starting to like the strange smell the jacket had. She did recall taking out her own clothes and wearing them again, though she had somehow forgotten about the bag in all the fuss they made getting here. All the equipments... all those potential.... At the very least she had this red holey ball thing she took, which fits just around her neck. [b]"Let's go say hello to your new friends."[/b] Who was... more new people. She didn't feel too friendly right now, so she stayed as far back as she could. A lot more people meant more people dying. Not that she cared; she had barely memorized the names of the last new batch. Mayhaps she should snatch that jacket off the New Boy.... whatzisname... Leon? Or she could try finding out where all the people went to. The gentleman had upped and disappeared the moment she got back, Corporal Davis the brave teddy bear was not to be seen, and Captain Ahab was presumably sailing off somewhere to find more giant squids and monstrous fish to spear, but still, she had heard no news from them. Usually when she was back at the institution, as the nice men in white called it, they would stick around, coming and going as they pleased, never absent for long. The others were only showing their blobby horribly disfigured, and mismatched body and limbs rarely. And the Faceless man... The Faceless man was still lurking... she felt in her guts. But this time it felt different... like... "...I'm hungry..."