Zaccar walked down the street, duffle bag in hand, making his way to the bar. There weren't that many people walking about and the few that were he stayed a bit away from. He could feel the beast that lurked in him uneasy, ready to strike out when the full moon would be out. It only got worse with every hour and his anger and agitation only went up usually throughout the day. Someone had run into him while walking and it took all of his self control to keep from chewing the guy out and just say sorry before continuing on his way. He eventually reached the bar in a few minutes and was somewhat surprised there were people there this early though he didn't pay much attention to them. The place reeked of magic and other supernatural scents. If the person who was responsible for the murder earlier today was here, he would never really know, there were to many scents to pinpoint just one person here and besides he came here to relax or at least try to before the full moon, not look for a killer, that would have to wait for a time when he could think with a clear head. "Hey bartender, the usual and payment for the room I'll be borrowing tonight," he said sitting down at the bar ",Oh and here take the bag while you are at it, didn't want to forget it like last time so just watch it for me until tonight." He was a usual person at the bar, going there for the past nine years he had been a werewolf and learning more on what was hidden from the normal world and having some interesting conversations but for the time all he wanted was a drink, something strong. It took a lot anymore to get him drunk which was good and bad. Good since it meant it took a lot to get intoxicated, bad because it meant it took more to try and get the wolf to settle down, to numb the senses and concentrate on the few days before a full moon. He looked around the bar, seeing a few people, two of which were at the bar itself, talking about something. One was showing the other some piece of paper, from what he heard with his hearing something about a sigil the guy was asking about to the woman. He could only guess the names of who the were, Clara was one he had seen before there at the bar from time to time and the other was Shitsubo or something like that, he never kept track of names to well of those who were at the bar, only really those that were at the bar often when he was and took an interest in, be it maybe because of conversation or just by how they looked, perhaps to keep an eye on them if he had to if he figured out that they were tied to some crime he was looking into.