Kasus had managed to make his way back onto the roof of the shops, it was a much safer route but it didn't stop the creatures from spawning. He swung his blade wildly at any that got in his way, but the ones he dodged eventually began to increase in number, and a crowd began to form behind him. If he were to stop, or trip, they would surely overwhelm him within seconds. Kasus refused to stop running, his energy coming from the fear of these monsters catching him. One by one they spawned from the shadows and one by one he sliced them into nothing. Eventually the center of the merchant district was in sight, as Kasus came close the row of shops had run out, he had nowhere to run. Turning around his eyes widened with terror as he saw the crowd of creatures make their way towards him. With no options Kasus launched himself off the roof and rolled forward as he landed. He looked up to see the crowd of monsters leap off of the building as well, as they fell towards him Kasus managed to slice them whilst in the air, but a majority of the crowd had survived the fall and now surrounded him. He gripped his blade, looking left and right, realizing he was doomed. He ducked as the crowd sprinted towards him in unison only to be pushed out of the crowd by an old man wielding a spear. In seconds the crowd of monsters redirected themselves at the pair, who fought them off one after the other until none remained. After Kasus was safe the old man immediately sprinted in the direction of the WDS building, sparing no words as he seemed to be in quite the hurry. Kasus looked around, spotting a young man, who appeared to be wielding a harpoon. He made his way towards him, but before words could be exchanged a pool of darkness spawned at the young man's feet, much bigger than the ones he had seen from before. Kasus backed away cautiously as the young man jumped back. Several giant pieces of armor rose from beneath the pool of darkness, coming together to form a monster much larger than any other Kasus had seen today. It's arms began to spin, he prepared himself for what was next.