"I don't think Mar's is devoid of chairs, but what do I know huh KF?" Sam spoke as he flew into the room. Then it occurred to him that they probably didn't know him. he hadn't really been around much to do superhero team ups or anything like that. In fact today he was freshly back from space because of a stupid meeting with the stupid guardians. Plus he had some training with Kilowag, but well... That was kind of awesome sometimes. Dude was a drill instructor, but still. "Anyway. What's up everyone? I hear we're gonna be a team." He said with a calm smile as he landed on the floor beside Alice. "I'm Sam Raynor. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Green Lantern." He introduced himself calmly. --------------------------------------- Meanwhile... Somewhere deep in the heart of Bialya was a small crew of scientists being guarded by a small group of about 5 mercenaries. They were unloading a large pod from a truck which contained a human figure. "Geez... We seriously gonna do this? I mean... the damn thing'll destroy everything right? Women and children too right?" One of the mercs whispered to another. "Look..." The other paused. He sighed. "Long as we're gettin paid we can't say or do nothin. Just keep your mouth shut alright?" He said calmly. "Would both of you shut up?" A female mercenary said calmly. With that they returned to guard duty as the scientists continued their task of prepping their creation for another test run. Would their code words work? Would it act with precision and proper skill? Whether or not the beast they would soon release met their current expectations as it had so many times before was crucial. After all. This time the Bialyan army had received an "anonymous" tip that they would be attacked soon. This was no simple thing as far as the Bialyans were concerned. They were ready. Too bad they small group had already been in the country. Soon it would begin.