Grey spoke about his home, though he didn't go as long on a tangent as Meirin did. Though her home was in Djarkel, she never considered Djarkel her home. She nodded her head "no" when he asked if she ever visited the village of Blacklight, though she vaguely might have remembered escorting one or two people there in passing. Then Grey asked her about her weapons, though Meirin was a bit hesitant. Technically she "could" use all sorts of weapons, but life at the monastery taught her that a true warrior does not claim what their weapon is. Their actions will prove that, and unfortunately Meirin wasn't carrying her weapons today. [b]"Ah, well... I suppose you could say I'm more of a hand-to-hand person, though I've never really gained the same level of ability as my masters..."[/b] Soon another person arrived, Lucilia Riovas the Vampire Teacher. Meirin perked up when she arrived, as she knew that Lucilia had potions that could help Grey. Or so Meirin thinks, she's never seen a medicine that could cure a physical injury like a broken arm. She's seen and had medicines that once purged her body of monster venom and currently was on medicine that would help her subdue her emotions, but she didn't think a potion could be used to restore a broken arm. [b]"Ah! Miss Riovas, Grey's arm broke! We were heading towards the infirmary, but is there anything you can do for him!?"[/b]