[b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/b][/center] When Leith asked about the baby gifts, Annabeth could hardly hide her excitement. [b]"They're for Mar's child! I heard she's due for a baby any day now, so I had Ssarak help me pick things out. Though he worries that Mar would be too prideful to accept such things."[/b] Annabeth shot Ssarak a dirty but playful look at his comment. [b]"What is life worth living without the chance of death? Besides, Mar isn't that bad. A bit rough around the edges maybe, but I'm sure she's simply a bashful, independent woman."[/b] Granted, Annabeth knew very little of Mar aside from second-hand observations and rumors, so she was hoping for the best here. Though Ssarak did have a point in that they should get Mar and Althalus their gifts soon. There was no real rush, but the sooner the better, she thought. [b]"Anyways, let's go. I think they should still be in their dorm."[/b] However, as the trio moved on, they stumbled upon a strange sight. Mar, Athalus, Alaria, and... A baby!? [b]"Oh gods! She's already born!"[/b] With feelings of excitement and worry, Annabeth rushed towards the scene. [b][center]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/center] [b]"Oh? That is quite serious. I'm surprised that you're taking it so calmly... Though I suppose that panicking isn't going to do you any good."[/b] Lucilia went over to Grey and examined his arm. It was indeed broken, much more than merely a fracture, though nothing that she couldn't handle. Though a Vitamancer would be able to restore his arm back to normal in a short notice, Lucilia preferred more tried and true methods of medication and braces. Magic had it's uses, but the energy needed to restore Grey's arm would be a lot for just any healer at the infirmary. And despite Lidda's own generosity, she did not want other students taking advantage of their kindness by constantly getting themselves hurt and hoping that they would make everything better. Granted, Lucilia was going to heal Grey, but she was also going to charge him and make sure that he owed her a favor. [b]"I can handle this one. We'll need some bandages and splints to form a cast, but I have a few things to patch him up. My office isn't too far away, so let's head over there shall we?"[/b] Lucilia motioned for the duo to follow her to her office.