You stated his personality and his jutsu. Alone, I can make assertions from that. I did state that your history had not been made, but I still am greatly capable of drawing conclusions from the information given and present you with my input. You do not just tell someone to 'not assume' and then complain about not getting a 'chance to explain' when I simply gave input on the material presented. If anything, you consider it an opportunity to build off more input and see the insight of the GM during the creation process. Roleplay is art. I came from years of art classes. You cannot get defensive over a critique, elsewise you might as well just leave now. Edit: It is not just a waste of your time, it is a waste of mine. I saw information, and I graded it. It was simply input. If you cannot handle input, then I don't want you here. I do not care if you are in a bad mood. Your actions and attitude have determined this is not the place for you. Good bye. Please resist the urge to comment back.