[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] [b]"Heh, not surprising, It is pretty small..."[/b] Grey said when Mei answered no. It was an extremely small village. Without Grey it would have a population of about 14 if nobody died. In fact, it was so small Djarkel's government never bothered collecting taxes. Or did anything with it, it was just seen as a colossal waste of time when the threat of war was always looming. She spoke, and he understood. 'Martial training' referred to hand to hand combat. Something even he was trained in a little. [b]"Ah. You're the weapon."[/b] he said in understanding. then when Lucilia showed up, Mei more or less panicked again. [b]"Hey, easy. I'm alright."[/b] He said. True, it still sorta hurt, but it wasn't anything to worry about. Lucilia, however, had basically confirmed Mei's worries. [b]"I don't really understand what the fuss is about..."[/b] He mumbled to himself quietly. At this point, Lucilia wanted him to follow her to her office. [b]"Very well, lead the way. I think we were lost anyway..."[/b]