Time seemed to fly when he was working. Before John knew it, the floors in the toilets were shining like they never had been dirty in the first place. Well, almost. He leaned against the mop he had planted firmly onto the floor and listened to the sounds through the walls. Sound traveled easily in this place, above ground anyway. There were a few customers near the front, but probably not enough to rush out and get into the kitchen. They probably wouldn't want food this early, and he was hoping that the bartender was out there already. Barely, just barely, he could hear Charlize talking from somewhere else in the building. Charlize had...a sweet voice. And pretty hair. More importantly, she was fun and lovely to be around. When everyone else had either gone home or into the basement, it was always a comfort to know that she was somewhere close by, even if he couldn't see her. That way, when he was inside these walls, John was never all alone. Sometimes he wished that he could compose his own music... Suddenly, the mop slipped under the strain of his weight and hit the bucket he was also using, sending a small torrent of dirty water onto his leg. John nearly cursed in frustration, but something stopped him; like an instinct, or a natural censor. Instead he attempted to shake the water off of his jeans and mopped up the rest of the spill. It was time to get back out there anyway. As he left the bathroom and walked down the hallway, rolling the bucket and mop behind him, John saw Charlize checking their work schedule. He offered a little hand wave from the hip as he shuffled along, saying, “Hey. Just finished the gents. I'll clean myself up so I can cook too, just in case anyone wants something.” He scooted past her, put away the mop and did exactly that. When he was done, though, he saw that no one had ordered anything yet, so he decided to head out into the bar and see who was there. Even after two years of working and living at the Abandoned Bar John still didn't recognize everyone. Most of the regulars were here already; he saw Zaccar talking to the bartender. He liked Zaccar, from what he knew of him. He was serious but he wasn't actually mean. John was about to extend a proper greeting when the duffel bag caught his eye. He knew what that meant; Zaccar probably didn't want to be bugged today. Instead of calling out, John kept his greeting to a respectful nod and shifted his gaze elsewhere. There was the girl with the tattoos, John knew next to nothing about her. He didn't talk to her much at all, not because he didn't want to but because she looked like she never wanted to. That was all right, though. Some people needed their privacy. It looked like the guy with the name John could never remember was talking to her about some piece of paper. He wasn't sure about the other man either, he was pretty quiet most of the time. To see those two speaking to each other was a bit of an anomaly. Another anomaly; the man John recognized as Kaden wasn't in his usual seat. Almost every time he came in he sat near the back, but this time someone else had taken it. Kaden seemed like a good guy to John, he wasn't mean, anyway, though he didn't always get his jokes. There wasn't much else to do, and out of everyone who was there that day Kaden seemed like the safest person to talk to, aside from Charlize who was probably busy working. With that, John walked up to where Kaden was sitting and said to him, “I guess someone took your spot. I'll try to save it next time.”