"Alright Clarion. Let's go!" Dodger said enthusiastically, still attempting to keep his voice down. He strolled forward to Sass and took one of the commissions. He flicked on his lighter again, just momentarily, to read the paper. "Looks like we get to advertise for a drug dealer." He muttered, shivering. He had seen some druggies in the past, working at Northgate Prison, and it had legitimately scared him, how their lives had gone so far down into the gutters. Dodger briefly checked everything on him, his mask, his duffel bag, etc., making sure that nothing was loose. As soon as his bag was zipped up, and his handgun was in his hands, he walked casually over to the window. "Well, it won't be long 'till the cops get here, so I think it's about time that we jet. Oh, and Clarion?" Dodger said, turning to him. "Try to keep up." He noted in a friendly voice, before vaulting out the window. He looked around for a minute, to get his bearings, as he wasn't in this part of town too often. He slowly stalked through the dark ally, peering out into the street. In the murky light it was difficult to tell, but he was fairly sure that he was alone. He turned to the fire escape on the building, and began to scale it, pulling out his climbing pick to assist him. As he pulled himself onto the rusty old metal, he sat down, waiting for Clarion.