Serene was in the mists of the creatures that seemed to come as another one was defeated. She was getting tired but had to tell that young boy something. As she had got the last one she collapsed to the floor. She had never been so tired in her life. At lest not to what she could remember. As she took a deep breath a loud clattering noise came a crossed the city's do the ground trembled underneath her feet. People where running away from the sound but instinctively she ran towards it. There in the misted of everything was a giant creature it had an emblem on the center of its chest and it limbs floated in the air. She awed at its splendor and as she observed she noticed others fighting the creature and she joined in the effort. As she attacked the lower half each clang of her nunchuck seemed every in effective and then she felt a pang in her head she tried to push back the memory but this was not an old memory it was a current one it was of Moon In-Sun. She quickly panicked as she though. Where is Moon In-Sun? As she continued to hit the creature she served the area. There he was sanding in one of the alleyways helping someone that was hurt. The second Serene took her attention of the creature it came a crossed her with its arm and threw her at the wall. Kicking the breath out of her and making her go limb.