Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Even though he knew Mar was far along in her pregnancy, he had certainly not expected to happen along her directly after the child had been born. Mar, Althalus, and for some reason, Alaira, were surrounding the small, half-reptilian child. He could not see too clearly from where he was, but it seemed rather humanoid in shape, with arms and legs. To an outside observer, the scene would appear disgusting. There was no shortage of blood and other bodily fluids scattered about, and the child itself was still a mess. Live births were inherently messy, and yet, Mar and Althalus were acting as if it were the most beautiful scene they had ever witnessed, because, to them, it likely was. The flood of joy and other emotions from bringing a child of one's own into the world would seemingly erase any other issues for Althalus for the moment, and Ssarak assumed it was at least partially the same for Mar. Witnessing this scene made Ssarak's following thoughts inevitable. At first, it was fond memories of his own children which flooded his mind. He remembered when his first born was so small that her entire hand could scarcely fit around his finger. He remembered how she used to roll into a ball and chew on the tip of her own tail. He had to find a way to stop her from making it a habit before her teeth started to form, but it was one of the most satisfyingly cute things he had seen in his life up to that point, and indeed beyond it as well. Ssarak remembered the pride he felt when his oldest son completed his first flight, and how happy his daughter had been when she became accepted for training as one of the clan's hunters. Of course, such fond memories only served to lead him into despair once his thoughts shifted back to the attack. He vividly remembered the mangled face of his daughter as he buried her, the same daughter who had been celebrating her first kill as a hunter's apprentice only a week prior. He recalled how his youngest son, who had only just begun learning to speak, was hardly recognizable when he found him. Ssarak closed his eyes as tears formed in them. His hands trembled and he lost any form of concentration on mental wards. He said nothing aloud, as he did not wish to detract from the joy the others no doubt felt, but he could hardly bear the pain he was experiencing.