[b]Colony 257[/b] "Retsukuu, rise and shine." The two dragged her on the floor towards the airlock bay. Before entering, however, they wear on mobile space suits, seeing how they don't have the advantage of resilience in the vacuum of space. They throw off her body towards the direction of the ongoing battle. There are still numerous ships, although some small ones were destroyed, but many still survive in good condition to take on another of the explosion. The fleets are now chasing and firing after whatever is firing the so-called "seeds". Her body floated seemingly lifeless for five seconds, and as that time came, she charged right quickly towards one of the enemy ships, where she coalesces all the energy projectiles being fired into a single ball that is likely to deal big damage, and outright smashes it on the hull. Although no sound can be clearly heard, she looked to be clearly laughing, but at the same time her expressions became slowly normal. [b]EA Diplomatic Action - Trade Offer[/b] On account for the rising stockpiles of dark matter resources, the Makudan has offered to give away 50 containers of the material, each holding one cubic decimeter of dark matter. For the price, the EA shall name its value. ((BEFORE any complaints: >The Draconians had the same thing, but with about 5 or more of them (see The Creature). Noting that the Makudan is slowly becoming more Draconian-like in terms of strength and size, this is fair. >Same for only a few amount of ships being damaged in the explosion. This is what basically everyone does.))