[b] Colony 257[/b] More attack fleets registered as ZE ships entered the fray, bringing the count to nearly 70,000. Ground troops were deployed on the planet, causing more and more heavy fighting between the two. Colonials have accomplished several successful counter attacks in some regions, but in areas where the "seeds" were common, they weren't. This was because many of the colonials were focused on ridding of the seeds, while the Empire has completely ignored them (why should they care, it's an enemy planet). At the message of the Triarians, however, many of them quickly halted their advance and retreated back to the atmosphere. Many colonial ships have evacuated, already. [b] Asteroid Field (Near Colonies 900-902) Tune Station [/b] Midst the heavy fighting between the colonial powers and the Empire, the center of this uprising all started here. Tune Station was built on a large piece of rock inside an asteroid belt. It served as a mining station, harnessing minerals and ores alike. Military personell stationed there was generally low, due to the unheard of activity in this region of space. It was a perfect place to take control of for rebel conspirators. That's exactly what they did, some time ago, right after the new Trinity began an era of oppression. Now, Tune Station is staged as the command center, and the CPZ capitol. The Asteroid field has turned into a bustling community of evacuees and its own civilians. Those looking for a better life would find it inside this system. So it became a pleasure to see Equiis Generals and diplomats enter the system, a first taste of diplomacy without having to send distress messages or mass murdering soldiers. A video was sent to the ships with the background the flag of the Colonial Powers and text in Equestrian displayed on top of the background. [i]Welcome to Tune Station, the capitol of the Colonial Powers; docking stations are highlighted on this map (a map popped onto screen at this point). Diplomats will be en route once you dock, please enjoy your stay.[/i] [b]Science Expo[/b] (was gonna have speeches and all, too lazy to do that) Inside one, the components to a galactic drive was finally completed. It was taken from a draconian ship inside the shipyard, well several ships actually. It took time to fit them all together, but finally, this drive will help the Empire colonize new reaches of space. Inside another, the revealing of the black hole synthesizer was displayed, technology copied from the sazkarjhit pirates. More powerful plasma weapons was shown in one room, and better protective armor/padding for workers and military was shown in another. The production of new air stations shown, allowing cities to be produced as air stations. These new air stations were also far more reliable and protected. Along with this all, much more efficient mining and farming machines displayed. [b] Colonies 1-100[/b] While the C101 and up were fighting their way for independence, the ones below did not. Instead, they started a passive resistance movement. This movement is easily being put down, with police mass-arresting the protesters and soldiers shooting whoever doesn't comply. The CPZ issued a statement following these actions [i]This is why we must fight, nothing else will work. This is for us to survive and live, we fail our purpose of life if we cannot do complete this goal[/i]