As Charles was laying in bed he remembered the call from that morning, he looked through his previous call list, but 'calling' wasn't there. 'Curious' he thought to himself, but he wrote it off in his mind , the he turned on a podcasts from his tablet, and proceeded to go to sleep. Fire, a smoldering building, many corpses lined the streets. As Charles looked around he saw the smoldering building, was a church. "Where am I?" he asked to himself. The voice that spoke wasn't his but that didn't register that it wasn't. He looked in his hand and saw he was holding a gun covered in blood, he wanted to drop it but his hand wouldn't let him. He then heard a voice from coming one of the piles of bodies, "Our lord and savior, blessed by thy name." He was able to move towards the voice though his movements were rigged, "Our lord and savior, blessed by thy name." the voice repeated. As he had gotten closer the voice had gotten louder, as he moved closer the voice had gotten louder and louder, until he saw it was a little girl, she then quite, and Charles saw the life drain out of the young girls face. He then felt a presence be find him, it was a small figure, "Will you except the calling" the familiar voice said, "What the fuck is happening..." he replied. "Will you except the calling." the voice repeated, "Yes, I accept the calling." The figure then disappeared, and a troop of soldiers come from an ally and turn to look at Charles, but it appears that, they do not seem him as if he were a ghost then his vision blurs and he blacks out.