Daniel slowly opened his eyes finding himself floating in the void, everything was white. "... Am I dreaming?..." he thought, it had to be, there would be no other explanation or would it? However, peculiarly he felt secure and comfortable, "Welcome, hero..." a female voice said "Who are you?.. Where am I?.." Daniel repeated. "You are about to enter a new World and fulfill your destiny, but in order to do that, you will have to abandon everything from your former life... We need you, hero!... Will you accept the call?" the female voice asked and Daniel started to think, would he able to leave everything behind? Although he hadn't a bad life, he still thought it was a dream, what would happen? So his answer was a clear [i]"Yes..."[/i], hoping he could wake up from this weird dream. As he said his answer sudenly everything went black... (couldn't really think of anything else and I wanted to try making a different post so it wont be all the same ^^' I hope it's ok though)