The checkpoints around the plaza locked, both a physical block of metal and a hardlight shield activating. The unit standing on the APC flew backwards as he was impacted by the fireball, barely managing to curse in Selkatha before he was hit. The two units at the foot of it moved quickly, one rushing to drag his injured comrade behind cover while the other clamboured into the APC. The majority of ground units in the plaza weren't that hard to take by suprise in the confusion... That was except two who were armed with guns as well as their batons, who backed away and took aim, firing a few hard light shots at Shelkar, before using their weapons toe sure that the rebelling individuals couldnt reach them... Some citizens tried to assist the Civilis Protections, including a mage who rushed to the unit who had been hit by the fire ball to see whether he could help, but most ran to the plazas designated inspection positions and awaited instructions The electroshock batons the rebels stole had several different settings available, but that didn't change them from being a close combat weapon. This made reaching the armed Civilis protections unfeasible, and since they had overwatch on the most direct route to the shipyard, which probably had checkpoint upon checkpoint licked down by now, the would be refugees would have to find another way around, likely by cutting through Residential block 41 building 4c, thus escaping the plaza and onto the street known to the locals as Kurto street, street 481A to use its formal designation. From Kurto Street, they could enter the shipyard through the nearby minor processing facility. They might be have been attentive enough to have discovered beforehand that its side entrance and shipyard access biolocks were disabled, for unknown reasons, yet its other biolocks were working... Presumably, the biolocks were faulty or defective, but as they had not yet been replaced, it could provide a sufficient path for the refugees. But in doing so, they would have to brave the units assigned to the facility, and be careful not to awaken any units that were being processed They would have to be fast, however, because it would not take long for overwatch to remove their permissions to the Kyn restricted biolocks, completely trapping them on the Plaza