((Here we go!)) "Well that was a fun convention" said a man with short brown hair, eyes and light skin. "The best part of being a convention celebrity is all the cool people you get to meet, I had some good times this past weekend". Eric was known for his MLP cosplay known as 'RainBro Dash' and had a blast meeting all sorts of interesting and cool people that past weekend at AwesomeCon. "Now to sit down and relax at my computer, I wonder what the internet has for me..." Upon checking several hundred pictures of the convention on Facebook and talking to friends, he decided to clear his computer up a little bit, organizing files, running scans and deleting old bookmarks. While doing the latter activity he noticed a site he had forgotten about "'Role Player Guild' eh? I haven't been there in forever....I should check it out, maybe some cool RP is going on?" Upon clicking the link he found himself at a very different site than he was accustomed to. Colors were out of place, the format was weird - sometimes overlapping areas, characters were replaced with weird symbols and a slight static sound was coming from his speakers. "Well this is weird.....won't be having any of that!" And he went to turn off his speaker...but to his astonishment, the sound kept playing. "Huh, well hopefully that'll go away in a moment...I wonder if I remember my old login?". After a few tries at remembering his password he finally got it right. "Bout time" he said to himself, but as it logged him in it brought him to the main page again, quickly followed by a black screen. "Great, I should've had the presence of mind to NOT log into the possibly hacked website, my computer might be all jacked up now." Sighing again he laid his back and began to rub his closed eyes, resting is stressed out brain for a moment....but, what was that? The static from the speaker which not only was still going, was steadily growing louder. "What is that?" he asked himself as he pulled his head forward and began to look at the screen again. "What?" He noticed something strange on his monitor...a small blue circle was in the center of his screen and was it? Yes, it was slowly growing larger! Transfixed he watched as it grew and grew...while the static grew louder. Eventually the circle has taken up the entirety of the screen and took on the shape of a funnel...a vortex like tunnel that extended from the screen itself, back into itself, reminding him of the intro to 'Doctor Who'. "What the hell is going on here!?" He asked noone as the static grew deafening. Suddenly, he found himself drawn towards the monitor, a force was dragging him while wind seemed to blow from it. "OKAY THIS FREAKING ME OUT" he yelled, barely able to hear himself as the force grew stronger and stronger. Panicked, he jumped up and as adrenaline kicked in, he struggled against the force and tried back away from it. To his surprise, nothing else around him was feeling this pulling force, including his loyal cat Shadow who was sleeping on the bed directly behind him. Desperately, he clung to his bed in an attempt to hang on and pull himself away from it. His body flailing in the air behind him toward the the screen at this point, he made the mistake of grabbing his comforter. Sure enough, the bedsheet wasn't strong enough to keep him in place and easily ripped off and flew into the screen with the screaming human along with it. It all happened so fast, he fell through the winding blue tunnel and saw planets and stars in the black recess of space all around him as he fell at an unintelligible speed. He fell and fell for several minutes which seemed like an eternity before crashing upon a surface. He had collapsed upon a grassy, outside turf with the sun beating down on him from up above. [What...the hell...] were the final thoughts he had before lose consciousness ((And we're good to go! I look forward to playing with everyone!))