Having been left behind, Sasha stood there and waited, trying not to get in the way of everyone though it seemed they all found their rut to settle into for the night. The girl glanced down at her feet, unsure if she should muster up the will to converse with them since they all seemed so busy or if she should just wait patiently for James to come back from whatever he was doing. She looked over to see credits begin whizzing on the telly which was of course Doctor Who. How it manged to go on and on and on way beyond her. Of course anyone from the UK had to love Doctor Who just as they did tea. It was in their blood. Still standing quietly, she kept her focus on the telly to be sort of polite. The idea of time travel was wicked cool but she wasn't sure if they'd ever be able to do it. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and wondered if Matt wanted some company or not. But based on the way Matt and James got along, she wasn't sure if she'd be turned away or not just because she was James' friend by association. Matt could very well turn his taunting laser gun on her, which she wouldn't really mind. She wasn't one of those girls who cried over anything and everything. No, she could take a joke here or there. Life was better with laughter and everyone had their own sense of humor. Finally James did make his way back to her and she looked back at him with blinking eyes of curiosity. It seemed he had changed into something else. She moved over to sit down and he joined her so they could pick back up on the topic of what to do. Before they could make any progress, James yelled at his brother to turn the telly down. Of course it didn't go over well with the older sibling who seemed to have a lot more freedom in the household dynamics. Soon another bout of bickering broke out between the two boys as James and Sasha were told to go somewhere else while Matt had to lower the volume. Sasha got up, not wanting to be part of the pointless fight. "It's okay. I'm sorry. Come on." She said to James, trying to get his mind away from his older brother. She picked out some board games while James selected some more techy ones. They headed off but then James had to figure out where they'd go. His room or the sitting room. Sasha wasn't a picky person and shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me, it's your house after all." She told him. "How about the sitting room?" She didn't mind messy rooms but she knew some people did so she decided the safest bet would be someplace like a sitting room. They headed there and set up some games so they could entertain themselves. They first played a simple board game which involved marbles and dice and all sorts of rules to get all of your marbles from one part of the board to the other, using small holes and paths. After that, they decided to play something more modern, well not exactly modern but something with video games. They set up manual links between their devices and did some pokemon battling. They could have made better teams but it seemed pointless to waste time roaming around different routes when you had someone else waiting on you. Soon it was time for dessert and tea. Since they had all had good food earlier, they just had something light. The girl couldn't help but wonder how her family would change with the addition of another person, a new baby. She would be in Matt's position but she hoped she'd be nicer than him. Of course brothers acted differently with each other. If there were sisters in the equation, it got even more messy. It was something to think about anyway. "Thanks so much for inviting me over, can I help with the dishes or anything like that?" She asked James' parents as they finished their tea and small almond cakes. Being a guest, her offer was refuted and she and James were told to go get ready for bed. She was given some spare clothes to change into as well as a toothbrush to use. She thanked James' mother and headed off to get ready for bed. She came out in a pair of pink shorts and a long white top which almost hide her shorts from view. She ruffled up hair and found James inn his room. She knocked on the door and poked her head in. "I think your mom mentioned we could get sleeping bags and sleep outside. That sounds like fun doesn't it?" She smiled.