[b]Name:[/b] Angela Jenkins (Ang by her family and close friends.) [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Angela is an average 5’ 4” but she has a very muscular build from years of training. She looks to be an average weight, but is around 150 lbs. Ang has a shock of red hair that’s cut short into a bob, and she often dyes it different colors to blend in with the crowd. Her eyes are a light, almost clear blue. Normally Angela wears neutral colors, usually jeans and a t-shirt, and she doesn’t really like to dress up unless it’s necessary. On assignments, she wears black spandex and sneakers. Angela doesn’t bother with makeup, claiming it’s a waste of her time. When she’s not working, she’ll wear a silver watch which she claims is from her grandmother and a silver necklace with a bird pendant, which is actually from her grandmother. [b]Personality:[/b] Angela is very often sarcastic and snippy, bordering on rude (and many times crossing the line). She uses anger to cover up her real emotions, and as a result pushes others away who just want to help her. She has a chronic habit of swearing and doesn’t tolerate any sort of lying or half-truths from anybody. Ang tends to run her mouth too often, and lets secrets slip as a result. She’s also quick to anger and is too proud to back down from a fight, which has resulted in too many injuries to count. Her family is also her weakness, and could be used against her. Angela’s careful to make no mention of them, but sometimes words slip out or somebody follows her home and she has to kill another person to keep them safe. When Angela gets particularly angry, she makes rash decisions which can have terrible ramifications. However, she’s very proud of the work she does. Ang is most comfortable in a dark bar sipping beer and watching the patrons come in and out throughout the night. Ang prefers to be the one watching the action rather than the one participating, which is why she managed to stay hidden this long. She’s paranoid enough to stay alive in this city, and she’d like it to stay that way. When she’s on a job, the constant anger in her head just disappears and Ang does what she has to do, coldly and quickly. It’s its own form of therapy, she supposes. [b]General History:[/b] She grew up in this city as a young, innocent child for too short a time. Ang was seven when she saw her first dead body – and after that, they just kept pouring in. She didn’t really know what was happening, but she lived through one of the biggest massacres this city had ever seen, with people, assassins and civilians alike, killed for treason. She grew to have a high tolerance for gore and blood, almost a fascination with the victims she saw on the street. Ang lived with her mother and father, and joined a group of older assassins at age eleven with the intention of protecting them from the terrible things she saw walking to school each day. Her extracurricular activities were learning how to fire a weapon properly, learning how to pickpocket, and how to disappear in a crowd. The group she grew up with was killed by some assassin who she still hasn’t found and doubts she ever will. But for some reason, Angela survived, and she intends to make the best use of her life. At seventeen, she dropped out of school and made her living as a mercenary of sorts, doing whatever work didn’t require spilling blood. She avoided killing for as long as possible, until it was the only option if she wanted to have enough money to send back to her parents. They know she’s an assassin – and they disapprove, of course – but they can’t deny the bloodstained money when they need it so badly. Their relationship isn’t shattered by her line of work, but there’s always tension in the air when she goes to deliver part of her paycheck every month. Angela doesn’t talk about her job around them, and they can pretend everything’s okay. She’s fine with that. [b]Weapons used:[/b] She prefers to use a simple steel combat knife with a black handle. It’s always on her, strapped to a sheath on her ankle. However, on most assignments she uses a sniper rifle, which is stripped of all the bells and whistles excluding the scope. If she knows she’s walking into a potentially shady assignment she’ll take a pistol with her, but it’s seldom used. [b]Strengths:[/b] Angela is a pretty formidable opponent when it comes to close combat, despite her size. She could take on at most two people with relative difficulty; three people are a stretch. She’s a good enough shot to only miss on rare occasions, and out of necessity, she doesn’t require a spotter. For Ang, it’s almost as easy as riding a bike. Her size allows her to move around quickly without being detected. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Since she’s not extremely tall, Ang has a disadvantage when it comes to close combat. She’s light on her feet and can pack a powerful punch or kick, but it’s more a matter of if the hit will land in the first place. When she’s angry, Angela’s not nearly as accurate or efficient; most times when she was beaten in a match the opponent was either taller than her or had taunted her into a blinding rage. [b]Loyalties:[/b] Only to the people she considers precious, like her family and some friends. Other than that, she has no qualms about backstabbing for her own gain.