Wednesday, unknown month, 2012 0712 hours Canal st [url=]Latitude:29.950117° Longitude:-90.063108°[/url] New Orleans, LA, USA “Riverwalk” The old man's travels have lead him to a place of interest along the waterside of the muddy waters of the mississippi river, a docked remodeled old steam river boat that was used during the 1800s. His faithful four legged companion was at his side and was already sniffing the air. She was a chihuahua with short legs, small body and barked alot when a stranger would come near. She had her good and bad points but depending on the way that the dog helped you stay alive was a good thing to the old man. The make shift raft that was fashioned by wires, cables and telephone logs had lasted the old man for these several weeks on the intracoastal waterway of the mighty mississippi. The fishing was good and plentiful as the two traveled along the waterway. difficult at time but not so bad that one would want to travel the roads or streets with the dead milling about. The dead moved sometimes as a group, alone or a heard as he has heard from time to time with other survivors. Minutes before the old man was going to dock the makeshift raft that he made, he threw out three cinder blocks that were tired to the corners of the raft. After floating closer to the cement decking the old man picked up his furry companion, looked before picking up one of three prepositioned poles and then used it to gentle vault to shore with ease thanks to the muddy waters of the mighty Mississippi. landing with ease the old man began to survey this unknown area with disdain. The streets were dingy, marred with trash and marks of fires burned long ago. He looked at his self winding pocket railroad watch. 0712 hours it read as he then clicked the cover back into place. Removing his friend from it’s holding place on his three day butt pack, the old man dismounted the dog to walk or run freely. “ Which way to go girl?” he ask his friend as the dog sniffed the air and began to trot down canal st. “ That way it is then “ the old man chuckled to himself as he began to follow the dog from a distance. [hider=My Spoiler] testing [/hider]