RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION pt.2 ((#1)) PC RP from Arsefacetheugly, Ollumhammersong, Omega, Harbringer, mruozu, pearldrum1: Once you are aboard the Dawnstar you have an extended period of time in an enclosed space with your new brothers. This is an opportunity to get to know them. I want to avoid disrupting the flow of the narrative or anything getting lost or glanced over in the content. So, for now, lets keep converations/encounters between a maximum of 2 PCs, with the goal of keeping the conversational text limited to 1 paragraph per PC. For example- In Arsefacetheugly's post he may want to ask a question to pearldrum1 as well as making an offhand comment to Harbringer. In his text he would commit 1 paragraph to the dialogue he would present to each of those players. In pearldrum1 and Harbringers post they would lead with the answer/responce to Arsefacetheugly's text, in addition to having the opportunity for 2 other optional dialogues. You may also interact with Watch Captain McGarrack as one of your conversation encounters. If you chose to do this, pose your dialogue/actions/questiong to me through PM and I will respond with something appropriate for you to insert into your next IC post. Captain Kyros spends his time isolated in the cockpit, only speaking to reveal required vital information. Let's avoid editing posts. Allow PCs the chance to respond before reposting. Remember the golden rule: you are in control of yourself. ((#2)) Endgame09, UnsafeNormal: Go back and edit/delete your last posts of OOC commentary. Finish flushing out whatever details through flashback while you stand at attention awaiting the arrival of the Thunderhawk. ((#3)) ALL PCs: Your IC posts should end with something along the lines of the following scene; The time in space, awaiting the arrival of the Righteous Indignation is spent in complete silence. All of the ships electronics shut down until it is time to land in the hanger bay. There are 2 other Deathwatch marines standing at attention, awaiting your arrival. You fall into an inspection line, standing at attention, awaiting your next orders. You are left to wait an uncomfortable ammount of time before the heavily shielded blast doors open and a new Astartes briskly approaches. Questions? PM me. Posting period before progression: 4/13/14-4/27/14 I am allowing some extra time for PC RP to develop and to account for the Easter holiday and any travel plans people may have. I look forward to seeing all of your posts. There is nothing to respond to in reguards to the RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION TECHNICAL post. That is just some fluff for ya.