[hider=Past Posts] Magic The Master was grinning insanely. He had the Doctor finally. After everything. He finally had the Doctor, he was seeming overly happy about it. This time he was going to make sure that the Doctor suffered as much as possible. He knew he could cause the Doctor a lot of pain. The Master refused to believe he had any amount of concern for his former friend left. He knew Martha had escaped hoping to find a way to save the Doctor, The Master though knew he had idea’s for perfect lies to tell the Doctor. He wanted to break the Doctor, it pleased him when the Doctor was suffering. “What are you going to do now Doctor? Martha is dead.” He chuckled. It seemed like a good lie. He is sure that thinking his companion is dead will upset the Doctor. “You know its never easy to escape me.” The Master chuckled a bit. He was enjoying tormenting the Doctor, they were on the Valiant and the Master considered himself to be wining. He played the music loud and danced around singing. He hadn’t noticed anything wrong with the Doctor yet. He was enjoying tormenting him every moment of the day. He was looking around. He smirked insanely and kicked the Doctor , he didn’t care if he was hurting him. The Master growled and pointed his laser screwdriver at the Doctor, he injured him with it, He knew it was so easy to hurt the Doctor when he was unable to do anything, Though even if the Doctor could do anything it was still fun for him. He knew the Doctor tried to avoid violence as well. “Giving up yet Doctor,” He smirked and leaned forward looking at him. “Can you hear the drums.” He seemed bothered by the drums, no matter how much he tormented the Doctor. But he wasn’t going to look for help from the Doctor. He never did and never wanted it. Irisa To think it all came to this. What was he to do? The Master had taken his sonic screwdriver, it wasn't like it was any match for the Master's sonic laser, that much the Doctor knew. Sitting there upon the floor his wrists bound by restraints, looking to the Master with a narrow of his dark brown eyes the Doctor listened to his words but refused to believe it "You lie!" he hissed to the other Time Lord through clenched teeth. He knew the Master would do anything to be able to hurt him emotionally. The Doctor had to hold onto hope that Martha was still alive, that she was safe, he had no proof that she was alive he didn't have any means of verifying it. So it was either believe what the Master was telling him or just hope for the best. So far the latter was weighed, the Doctor was already down for the count. Having been beaten and tortured his body hurting, aching from it all. The Doctor wasn't breaking he still held onto his strength he wasn't about to let the Master win. "She's a smart girl, granted not as street witty as Rose or Donna but she's up there." upon receiving a kick the Doctor winced and glared to the Master "You haven't killed her, you'd be far more joyous than you are now if you had" the man was blunt with his words which resulted with a zap from the Master's sonic laser. When the Master finished with his assault the Doctor had fallen to the side and laid there upon the ground for several moments his eyes closed tightly as he panted trying his best to push aside the pain his body was responding to. It took the Doctor a bit to finally manage to push away that pain and when he did, he forced himself to sit back up, resting upon his knees as he brought his gaze directly to the Master's. "No that would be too easy for you, Master. Far too easy." a smirk formed upon the Doctor's own lips as he stared up to the blonde haired man "You can try all you want, but I'm not breaking, not even close" Magic The Master smirked, seeing the Doctor in pain was amusing to him. He was sure the Doctor would probably see through the lie when he still had hope. "Are you sure? Because how do you know I haven't." He smirked evilly. "Wonder how much more your body can take mm, before you pass out or need to regenerate." He chuckled evilly. This was far too much fun for him. "Or I can make you listen to Jack's pleas for help when you cant do anything, he cant die, So I can torture him over and over." He knew the Doctor didn't like seeing his friends tortured and in pain. " Even if he can;t die dying a million times must be horrible for him," he smirked evilly. He knew that Jack couldn't run so easily to the Doctor's aid either. He smirked darkly. He knew the Doctor's friends were quite important to him "You care about Jack do you not.?" there was something about the look in his eyes that said he was crazy. The Master kicked the Doctor in the stomach "Or I can just keep hurting you till your in too much pain to even have anything to say back." He knew that there would be a point the Doctor would be in too much pain. Though he was sure that the Doctor would try fight it and carry on. He remembered back on Gallifrey the Doctor wouldn't give up so easily even if he was in pain. "You may have regenerated since we last met, but you don't change that much and you will never be able to help me, if you are still under that delusion that you can ," He spat "Our friendship is long since gone." He was a bit tired but he didn't seem to want to give up. The Master wanted to keep talking and hurting the Doctor. He wasn't really one to sleep all that often. He wondered if their was anybody else that would try help the Doctor. The Master then grabbed the Doctor by his shirt collar. "Ohh if Rose could see her precious Doctor now." He laughed darkly, he could tell it was something that was still hurting the Doctor. " Your hearts break that you can't see her again." tries to get into his mind to torture the other time lord that way as well. He is being very cruel , he can tell the Doctor is already in pain physically. Irisa The Master's words were the only things keeping the Doctor alert, his voice, his evil laugh, his very presence in the room all factored into the Time Lord keeping awake and not succumbing to the comforts of darkness that had been calling to him for nearly an hour. "I know you haven't" he stared directly into the Master's eyes "I can see it in your eyes, Master" hearing the Master's question the Doctor wasn't about to answer, he knew the answer all too well. It wouldn't be long until his body would force a regeneration upon him, he'd already endured far too much. Upon hearing Jack's name brought up, those dark chocolate brown eyes widened as he looked to Master. 'Jack…' before the Doctor could even answer he felt it, the hard slamming of the Master's attack causing the air to be knocked out of him as the Doctor himself doubled over in pain. At that point as he laid there no longer speaking, barely even breathing he could taste metal in his mouth. That only meant one thing, his body was close to the end of its run but no. He couldn't give up, he couldn't let the Master win. The Time Lord's mind was beginning to haze over with fog as his body laid there upon the ground. He could barely focus on what the Master's words being spoken were. That was until the mention of Rose. Hearing her name brought back memories. He could remember saying goodbye to her on Bad Wolf Bay, his beautiful Rose in tears her voice so gently shaken 'I.. I love you' But with this current situation his mind wandered to a few different scenarios of the past 'Doctor!' he could see her worried face, her tears 'My Doctor…' if there was anything that could bring the Doctor back full swing and ready to fight, it was his Darling Rose. Yes he couldn't see her again, or be with her again but she was safe and away from this mad man. That was all he could ever ask for. The Doctor's eyes snapped open as he brought himself to rise, his chocolate brown eyes staring up to the Master "You won't win" as he spoke blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as those eyes of his narrowed into a glare "As long as my hearts are beating and there is life in this body. I will never let you win" The Doctor was strong, The Master knew that, it was why he enjoyed trying to break him so much. He was looking at him. "Ohh well you will never know. But I will kill all of your precious friends." The Master growled. He knew he couldn't get to Rose. "Well Aside from Jack, But I will make him suffer in other ways," He didn't care about the man in front of him anymore it seemed. Magic The Master smirked evilly "Well we will have to fix that won't we." When the Doctor said he wouldn't give up so long as his hearts were beating. Though he wasn't sure he wanted to kill him yet, He just wanted to make him suffer.Though he may kill him later. There was insanity in his eyes, He could see the Doctor was losing focus. It was boring for him when the Doctor was unconscious, but he did like breaking him. The Master laughed and left the room, But not before making sure he kicked him. The Master went to where he had Jack chained up. He could see the man had been trying to escape. He knew the man would do anything to try and escape. "You'll never win," Jack hissed. The Master growled and hurt Jack causing him to yell in pain. The Master held Jack by his collar "You'll never get free to save him.!!" He growled. "Your precious Doctor can't handle much more." Jack glared at him "Just let him go, do what ever you want to me, I can't die" He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't let the Master hurt his friend. He struggled and tried to pull free from his chains again, He hadn't stopped trying. "The universe needs the Doctor, your going to kill him if you carry on." he knew the Doctor was in pain. He had heard the Master say Martha was dead. He hoped it wasn't true. The Master glared and looked at him "Maybe I want to kill him, He cant help me, and he left me out there alone, he thinks hes my friend, That is a lie." He knew the Doctor would hear him. He never thought the Doctor had helped him when it counted. He also couldn't help what had happened to him. He had gone mad after staring into the time vortex. Irisa The final kick from the Master before he left the room caused the Doctor to gasp for air. Staring down at the binds around his wrists he tugged at them but nothing. He tugged even harder the metal beginning to dig into his sensitive flesh to the point it cut into him causing blood to trickle down his wrist. That seemed to help give a bit of sliding factor where the Doctor managed to work hard at sliding his wrist against the metal with the help of the blood until one wrist was free. His breathing was shaken and deep at this point he was near panting. Having heard Jack's cry of pain only fueled the Doctor to continue until his other wrist was free, sitting there upon his knees his body at this point shaking due to the pain he was feeling the Doctor clenched his teeth and tried his best to push away the pain but in the end his body collapsed onto the floor the Doctor blacking out from the pain but still very much alive and breathing. Silence took over the Doctor's mind for several moments. Until… he heard a familiar voice, very familiar. 'I am the Bad Wolf' were his memories from his ninth incarnation coming back to him now? Why? Just then he felt a warmth a familiar warmth that enveloped him and pulled him away from the darkness he had been slipping into since passing out. Something the Doctor always kept with him, a bracelet Rose had left him with. Something that had stayed in her room after everything. He had taken it from her room in the TARDIS and always kept it in his suit jacket pocket, close to his hearts. It seemed residual healing energy from Bad Wolf had been left over from the bracelet during that night at the Game Station. The bracelet took on a golden glow the glow formed into streams of gold escaping the material and racing for the Doctor's form 'I want you safe, My Doctor' Rose's voice sounded again. The healing energy coursed through the Doctor's body sweeping through and healing what it could, slowly those deep dark brown eyes opened as he looked to his wrists. His skin healed, he felt better, the pain was no more, the energy healed him for the most part but he was still tired but he wasn't dying, not anymore. With some heavy push the Doctor was on his feet as he looked toward the door, making his way to it he walked out. He could either save Jack or attempt to flee. But no he couldn't do that, not to Jack, he couldn't just leave the man there. All he had to do was follow the voices and he found the right door. Opening it as quietly as possible he slipped in and stared to the Master "Leave him alone. I'm the one you want, Master. Let's go for round two." the Doctor looked to the other Time Lord with seriousness in his eyes. [/hider] CURRENT POST Magic The Master smirked looking around "Still alive are we?" he stepped closer to the Doctor, his eyes were focused intensely on him. He pointed his laser screwdriver at the Doctor, he knew the Doctor couldn't do much with his own screwdriver. Jack looked at the Doctor "Don't worry about me Doc," gives a sad smile "Look after your self, I can't die..., I don;t want you to die Doctor." He didn't care if he had to be traumatized or beaten and killed constantly. He just wanted the Doctor to be safe. He had been wanting the Doctor to get away safe. The Master was looking at him "Shut up Jack," he growled. He pointed his screwdriver at the Doctor and hurt him with it. He knew that he could keep hurting the Doctor for a long time yet. He wondered if the Doctor hated him at all yet. The Master chuckled and danced around him, he laughed evilly. He was having a good time tormenting the Doctor. He was looking at him "I will do what I like Doctor," he glared at him. The Master was sure that the Doctor couldn't go on forever. He grabbed him and pulled him closer, He was smirking evilly. "Your mine Doctor." He held onto his tie and smirked. There was so many thoughts going through his mind. he knew that he could carry on for awhile. The Master looked at him "How did you get healed." he growled, He looked at the bracelet. He seemed to be wondering. He wanted to weaken him down as far as he could. To make the Doctor miserable was what he wanted. Though it seemed he would have to start again. "Master... just leave the Doctor alone." Jack begged. He wanted to keep his friend safe. The Master growled and killed Jack, knowing the man would come back a few minutes later. Jack gasped when he came back, he was getting tired of being killed so much.