[center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/092/7/1/untitled_1_by_carlospcastro-d7ct2xo.png[/img][/center] Sitting down against one of the stone walls of the front of the College, Coco was relaxed. She could listen to the small sounds emitted by the nearby small armies. While they strived to be silent, soldiers were still alive, and life had its natural sounds. She was relaxed, until she heard a cough and sneeze coming from close. Her leaves perked up as she turned her body towards the sounds, mentally assembling the form of whatever that had made the sound. A male, human and wearing what seemed like metal armour. "Those formations are as boring as a tavern in the morning, huh?" The man said in a cheery voice, chuckling as he wiped his brow with a handkerchief, helmet in his left hand. "Name's Garde," He said after a few seconds of silence, extending his hands towards Coco "what's yours, bushy bush?" Coco was stunned. Normally she would have sensed the heat coming from the soldier's body, even with this cold. So why hadn't she? [i]'Does not matter, he's introducing himself!'[/i] She thought. "Coco," She said, stretching his hand, "Those are very soft gloves-" She said as soon as she had touched his hand. [i]'Like that strange alpha human's...'[/i] [hider=2 Months ago...] Every single day Coco felt the stares. A foreign sensation it had been at first, but she had grown accustomed to it. Training so hard each morning, her scent was often too strong to be ignored by the many fleshlings in the College's hallways. Her attention had been called a few times due to it, since it was somewhat distracting, and some students had already complained about the scent. But what could she do about it? It [i]was[/i] her scent, and she could not change it even if she wanted to. Her thoughts were interrupted as soon as she bumped into one of the students--A man who stood tall and seemed to look down on her, his nose sticking up into the air. But she didn't focus on his features. The cloth she had grazed was soft and light, unlike the other kinds of cloth that she had ever touched. Leaves perked up, she stopped walking and felt up the arm sleeve of the robes the man was wearing. "Uhh, how can the robes be so soft? Softer than leaves, even!" She asked to nobody in particular as she moved her hands around in a quick fashion. Haklo, the man that Coco bumped into, looked down at her curiously. He had seen her before but most often he smelled her before seeing her and he noticed the scent and sight of her almost immediately. He could not recall her name though and didn't pull back from her touch, seeing that she was mostly fascinated by the velvet he wore. He was mildly amused though by her actions as it reminded him of an inquisitive and easily impressed child. "It is velvet" He said to her, holding out his arm that she was touching. "It is indeed soft as I'd like it. The days seem much easier to get through when dressed in quality material. Though I can't say that I've dressed myself in leaves. Last time I saw someone to that he did so in poison ivy and had a rash all over for weeks" he said and put up a pleasant smile on his face. The story about the poison ivy was true but it wasn't the entire story. The man had been a fool of an abusive noble who had ordered him to wear poison ivy clothing, including undergarments. He thought leaving that bit out might make the story more acceptable. "My name is Haklo Desol. I've sme- seen you around, haven't I?" He asked politely, his eyes on her hands on the fabric. Coco let out a distorted huff along with a twitch of her leaves as she heard Haklo's story. She pulled away her hands and put them on her hips. "Serves him right for wearing living things." "I'm Coco Bean, a Foreas. I smell like chocolate but that doesn't mean you can eat me. I've no idea if you've seen me around, have you?" She asked, leaves back to a excited stance as she tapped the place on her face where eye sockets would be. "On that topic... What do I look like, Haklo?" "Well, at the expense of feeling somewhat layman about it, you look like a tree" He said and put on a awkward tone. "To be a bit more detailed about it, I see your skin is green like that of spring leaves and feels somewhat like bark. Your shape is like that of a well built woman which most men might find appealing though to be utterly honest might be put off by the lack of facial features. You might say that you look alien yet exotic" Haklo said to her and it was somewhat true. He was slightly put off by the lack of facial features as he often read people through them. It was defintely hard to read Foreas and he disliked not being able to read anything. He guessed the fact her leaves pricked up before might make up for it, similar to that of animal fur standing on edge though he was't that learned in animal behavior since his prey were sentient. "Though I hear that Foreas see by hearing and smelling, using those senses to notice people. May I ask what I smell and sound like?" Haklo asked of her, wanting to know what sort of impression he made of her. Coco tilted her head at Haklo's description. Why did they insist on saying 'green'? What was 'green' even supposed to mean? "That's a strange question coming from a fleshling, but uh... You smell a little bit like an alpha and like this thing," She pointed at the velvet robes "and you sound very polite. I don't know how I feel about the politeness, as it just sounds like you're holding back. Emphasizes the cold of the winter, and I don't like the cold." She explained, letting a single shudder travel down her body. Haklo wondered about her view of him, or smell and sound of him. He was somewhat flattered by the alpha comment but wondered about the 'Holding back' comment about his person. "Well, in my social circles, being reserved is key. I guess I was brought up that way and it's hard to truly let go" He said as a matter of fact and then got a little idea. He reached to his belt where his knife was sheathed and drew it. With it he tore up his sleeve (he had plenty of tunics and other clothing of such quality so it wasn't a big loss) and placed a smoothly cut piece of velvet into Coco's hand. "Here, if we don't see each other you might as well have this to remember this conversation" He said, not really knowing that Foreas memories were flawless. "Strange. I didn't know humans formed circles to socialize. And you even have to be reserved! That's even more strange. Why socialize when you can't share everything?" Coco asked, grabbing the piece of velvet tightly in her hand. She perked up and nodded. "Will do. I always remember! I have to go now, attending to Electromancy classes. We'll talk some other time, goodbye!" Coco said, walking past Haklo as she focused intently on rubbing the pleasant piece of cloth. [/hider]